His Fingers Were Enormous
Of course, Andre’s fingers matched his giant body, and they were supposedly really large, so playing piano was not an option since each finger spanned three keys. His rings were also really huge and whole silver dollars could fit in the holes. He was known for using his large fingers against opponents in the ring. In an interview in 2011, Hulk Hogan claimed Andre sometimes inserted one of his big thumbs into his opponents bum during a match.

His Fingers Were Enormous
His Drinking Rubbed Off On Co-Workers
Some reports claim Andre’s heavy drinking had the tendency to rub off on his co-workers, especially those he worked with while filming The Princess Bride. Co-stars Mandy Patinkin and Cary Elwes apparently became his drinking buddies, but they simply couldn’t keep up with Andre. According to UpRoxx, this led to a lot of the movie’s stars coming to work with a hangover. Considering Andre supposedly had a tab that amounted to $40,000 at the bar of the London Hyatt while they were filming, it’s not a surprise that mere mortals couldn’t really match him drink for drink.

His Drinking Rubbed Off On Co-Workers