Incredible Facts About The Larger Than Life Andre The Giant

Published on 02/27/2020

He Wore A Back Brace Under His Signature Singlet

Acromegaly and years of wrestling destroyed Andre the Giant physically, so he had to undergo spinal surgery in 1986. He also had to wear a back brace which supported his figure in order to continue wrestling. The extra support was hidden under the iconic black singlet that he wore, but his mobility in the ring was severely limited by the back brace. Ironically, some of his most famous fights happened later in his career, like the title winning match versus Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania III. If you watch this match carefully, you can see Andre’s limited movement and you will notice that he relied a lot on basic fighting moves rather than the flashier ones that he used to do when he was younger.

He Wore A Back Brace Under His Signature Singlet

He Wore A Back Brace Under His Signature Singlet


The “Most Embarrassing Wrestler” Award

Towards the end of Andre the Giant’s WWE career, he had gained nearly all achievements possible, and was even named the “Most Embarrassing Wrestler” by Wrestling Observers Newsletter in 1989. The Giant did not earn this award for anything embarrassing that he did. They gave it to him for the way he embarrassed his opponents, and one of the biggest embarrassments happened to Demon. Prior to a match, Andre was at ringside signing autographs for children, when Demon suddenly attacked him. Grabbing Demon’s mask, Andrew threw him across the ring, sending the other wrestler to frantically grab a towel, cover his face, and run off.

The "Most Embarrassing Wrestler" Award

The “Most Embarrassing Wrestler” Award