Reason For Half Mast
A tragedy in real life was why American flags on Gilligan’s Island was flown half-mast. As it turns out, filming of the show had begun immediately after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Wow! So, now you know why it can be seen that the flag is flying half-mast during the show’s opening credits. As a matter of fact, the pilot episode of Gilligan’s Island was finished on the same day JFK was assassinated, the 22nd of November 1963.

Reason For Half Mast
Inside Joke
Years after, we’re spilling the beans with this one! Newton Minow, Federal Communications Commission or FCC’s head, was not entirely creator Sherwood Schwartz’s favorite. In reality, Schwartz detested the head of the FCC. Thus, Schwartz thought it hilarious that the shipwreck is named the S.S. Minnow. The people behind Gilligan’s Island then made it an inside joke among them. Fingers crossed, Minow never found out, but this may change that!

Inside Joke