The Breakfast Menu
That does not sound appetizing whatsoever. If that was what they were serving for breakfast, we will have to pass. Sorry. Coco Pops are delicious, but this variety does not appeal to us at all.

The Breakfast Menu
We hope someone reported it to the health inspector. If this establishment was once proud of it’s a grade, it would probably go down to a B in a snap. We’re only kidding, of course. Perhaps the employees did not drink coffee yet when they wrote this down.
Calling Mister Fantastic
Here is another case of a severely misplaced toilet roll holder. Did you have too much to eat and need to go number two? Make sure you look around first because you might find yourself in this situation. Yikes!

Calling Mister Fantastic
None of us wants to do our business in the toilet and then get up to fetch toilet paper to wipe ourselves with. It is the most uncomfortable thing in the world. On top of that, it is far from sanitary! We are getting goosebumps just thinking about the mess it might lead to.