Not What He Expected
This guy went across the country to see some of his friends, although he somehow got stuck inside the shower. Oops! His girlfriend then contacted the front desk, but it still took a few hours before the repairman got there to let him out of the shower prison.

Not What He Expected
Getting trapped in the bathroom is bad enough, but it is even worse when you are naked and wet. On the bright side, he probably had a good reflection phase while waiting for his freedom. We all know that we begin to think of things we would never have considered when we are in the shower.
Try Calling For Help
When you are in this situation, there is only a handful of things that you can do. The first option here is to simply wobble to the toilet paper roll like a penguin. Don’t like that idea? It is also possible to simply swallow your pride, grab the nearby towel, and use it to clean yourself.

Try Calling For Help
If both sound unappealing to you, try calling for help and pray that you forgot to lock the bathroom door. It’s less disgusting than the previous options, but you have to count on luck for this one. Regardless of what you end up doing, you will probably wish you moved a roll or two near the toilet.