Who Would Have Thought These Household Products Are Hiding These Useful Little Secrets?

Published on 09/22/2019

Colorful Ice Cream Scoops

Ice cream scoops come in different colors for a specific reason. No, they did not only make it for the sake of it. Apparently, every single color in their repertoire stands for a different size. The sizes differ based on how many scoops they can fit in a cup. This is a really cool piece of trivia, isn’t it?

Colorful Ice Cream Scoops

Colorful Ice Cream Scoops


Brass Material For Door Knobs

Most doorknobs use brass. As you might have guessed, there is a good reason for this. Brass is actually a material that is very resistant to the buildup of bacteria. It is a good idea because the doorknob is something that receives direct contact from various people over the course of a single day.

Brass Material For Door Knobs

Brass Material For Door Knobs