In 2015, Carrey also tweeted some personal opinions that received a lot of backlash. He made it public that he was anti-vaccination, tweeting, “California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in mandatory vaccines. This corporate fascist must be stopped”. He was referring to the new law that had just been passed in California regarding vaccinations. This is a very debated topic, celebs usually tending to stick their noses elsewhere.
Losing Fans
There was of course lots of responses to the famous star’s tweet. Followers pointed out that mercury was no longer used in vaccines and that refusing to vaccinate children poses a huge risk to public health as a whole. Carrey fired back tweeting, “I am not anti-vaccine. I am anti-thimerosal, anti-mercury. They have taken some of the mercury laden thimerosal out of vaccines. NOT ALL!” Most celebrities don’t get involved because they know that their reputations could be affected with those of differing opinions.