People Cannot Believe What Jesus Christ Actually Looked Like When He Was Alive

Published on 07/01/2020


Depending on location and country many images of Jesus have shown him as their race. this was seen in Ethiopia where Jesus is depicted with the same features and appearance as the church members. Additionally, in Asia, the race of Jesus is seen as the same as the native people. This trend continues throughout the world. Additional medieval depictions showed Jesus wearing a Jewish hat.

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The Christ Myth Theory

Also referred to as the Jesus myth theory depicts no image of Jesus at all in fact it believes that the entire story is a myth and a claim with no historical fact. One of the theories under this mythology believes that the idea of Jesus was fused with Christ of Paul and Jesus actually lived in the past. Additionally, another stance suggests he is a mythological character later over-exaggerated by the Gospels, and lastly, the view that if he existed nothing can actually be known about him.

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The Christ Myth Theory