How Come Kate Middleton Only Met The Queen 5 Years Into Dating Prince William?

Published on 08/08/2019

Differences In Personality

At first glance, Meghan and Kate seem to share a number of characteristics since neither of the two come from an aristocrat family. Despite this, the two Duchesses are said to be vastly different from one another.

Differences In Personality

Differences In Personality

Kate strictly embodies the traditional values of the Royal Family while Meghan is more open to deviating from Royal protocol. Even bigger are the differences in the two women’s personalities.


A Royal Feud

The only thing worse than a fight between members of the Royal Family is if that fight becomes apparent to the public eye. At first, it was believed that the problem began with the wives of the princes, but reports took a different turn when it was reported that the feud started between William and Harry.

A Royal Feud

A Royal Feud

Apparently, the problems between the brothers arose from Harry’s relationship with Meghan and how fast they took their relationship to the next level. It was reported that William had given Harry some advice, but the younger prince didn’t take it too well.