Remembering Don Knotts – His Life And Works

Published on 07/20/2020

He Used to Be A Chicken Plucker

Before becoming the amazing and famous actor that he was, the late Don Knotts worked as a chicken plucker. It was one of his jobs before establishing a career in the entertainment industry. You might be wondering – what did he do as a chicken plucker? Such a job required Don Knotts to take and pull out feathers coming from a dead bird. Well, with that, the late actor did not really expect that his time as a successful actor would eventually come later in his life. Everyone has a story, we all start somewhere and this just happened to be his very humble beginning. Oh boy, did his luck change. 

He Used To Be A Chicken Plucker

He Used To Be A Chicken Plucker


Ventriloquism Was A Part of His Life

Having the great acting and entertainment skills that led him to have a successful career, Don Knotts used to be a ventriloquist. Before being the big-time actor, Knotts performed a lot of gigs in different places all over his town and he did that for a living. He was known to be working with his puppet, who had the name Danny Matador – his dummy had a nickname “Hooch”. A few years after doing ventriloquism, Knotts eventually stopped performing acts as he realized that it was not the one for him.

Ventriloquism Was A Part Of His Life

Ventriloquism Was A Part Of His Life