Before And After: The Most Impressive Man-Made Structures Ever Built

Published on 11/11/2018

The Azure Swimming Pool Was a Popular Indoor Pool In Pripyat, Ukraine

There were three popular indoor swimming pools in Pripyat, Ukraine, and the Azure Swimming Pool was one of them. It was built in the 70’s when it was still a bustling town. However, the explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant changed things and the area has become largely uninhabitable.

The Azure Swimming Pool Was a Popular Indoor Pool In Pripyat, Ukraine

The Azure Swimming Pool Was a Popular Indoor Pool In Pripyat, Ukraine


The Azure Swimming Pool Closed In 1998 But Still Stands

After the Chernobyl tragedy, some buildings were kept open so that the plant workers could access them. The list includes the Azure Swimming Pool and it stayed open until 1998. It is one of the cleanest areas of Pripyat. The long-term effects courtesy of exposure to radiation has yet to be determined. It is believed that the death rate could go up to six figures by 2065.

The Azure Swimming Pool Closed In 1998 But Still Stands

The Azure Swimming Pool Closed In 1998 But Still Stands