These Photos Just Go To Show How Brilliant Lazy People Can Be

Published on 07/11/2019

Life can get pretty busy for us all, and there are times when we find a chore a little too difficult to accomplish. We already put in a lot of our time and effort in our work, so no one is truly in the mood to clean up whenever they clock out. There are some people, however, who are passionate about doing things with as little effort as possible.

People and Their Innovative Laziness

People and Their Innovative Laziness

Although they get called lazy, we think they are actually pretty brilliant! Are you ready to see photos of people who are not ashamed of their laziness? We hope you are ready to laugh because you will be doing that for a little while! Let us get to it, shall we?

Looking For His Chair

Talk about a lazy guy. The guy in the blue shirt is resting atop a packaged box of some chair he recently bought. He is so lazy that he cannot be bothered to get it out of the box.

Looking For His Chair

Looking For His Chair

Instead, he simply made do and rested on the box instead of the chair. Whatever works for him works for him, we guess. We’ll leave him be.

A Lazy Walk

He was talking the little one on a walk, regardless of how much he loves his baby, it was just too watch to go out and take out for a walk every single day.

A Lazy Walk

A Lazy Walk

He ended up using a baby stroller to address the situation. It seems like he was too lazy to walked and push the stroller. If you ask us, this is a good way to conserve your energy.

Peak Of Garbage

If you are starting to worry about the garbage in your home, this guy might make you feel better about himself. You just need a lot of empty boxes and plastic bottles in your trash can.

Peak Of Garbage

Peak Of Garbage

It looks like he stacked them in such an artistic way, but the truth is he just could not find it in himself to get rid of his trash. This is as lazy as you can possibly get out there.

How To Heat Up Food

The person who did this did not feel like heading all the way to his kitchen to keep the food warm and edible. He decided he would just use his source of heat to warm up his food and conserve his energy.

How To Heat Up Food

How To Heat Up Food

Sometimes, the laziest people out there happen to be the smartest ones as well. Why get up when you can just do this?

Going Out For A Walk

There are many reasons to get into a relationship. It is a good idea if you want someone to share your dreams, feelings, and secrets with.

Going Out For A Walk

Going Out For A Walk

Sadly, it looks like these two did not see eye to eye on certain things. The boy was so lazy that he decided to ride his hoverboard when they walked down the street.

No Need For A Remote

Take a look at this photo of a man sitting on his chair holding a stick in hand. It looks like he did not have a television rack either as the set was just resting on a chair.

No Need For A Remote

No Need For A Remote

He probably misplaced the remote control but cannot be bothered to get up and press the buttons on the screen every single time he gets bored of the show. Instead, he grabbed a stick so he can just poke away from a distance.

Like A True Vacationer

This girl was relaxing in her pink bikini as she chatted away with her best friend through her phone. She did not feel like making the effort to hold the phone, so he balanced it on her ears instead.

Like A True Vacationer

Like A True Vacationer

It’s a good idea if you want to conserve your energy. As you can see, she was in full-on vacation mode.

A Mini Escalator

We really do not understand why they felt the need to install such a small escalator. It is basically 4 small steps!

A Mini Escalator

A Mini Escalator

We cannot imagine anyone who cannot climb up the stairs but can go up this odd thing. Folks, just because it is easier does not mean you should do it. Exercise is good for all of us.

A Lazy Crowd

In this railway platform, you can go up using two methods. You can use the normal staircase to go up or you can take the escalator.

A Lazy Crowd

A Lazy Crowd

As you can see here, people did not feel like doing the former. That is how they have such a huge crowd in line for the escalator. As we said, there is nothing wrong with stairs.

Grocery Shopping On Wheels

When you are doing your groceries, it is only inevitable that you will do a lot of walking as you go around looking for various items.

Grocery Shopping On Wheels

Grocery Shopping On Wheels

This guy did not feel like it, so he decided it was time to pull out a hoverboard. He was too lazy to go around the grocery store, so he decided to do something about the situation.

You Were So Close

You are looking at a wafer box and an empty juice sipper right beside a dustbin. The person who ate these things was so lazy he could not be bothered to throw it inside.

You Were So Close

You Were So Close

Nope, it seems like halfway to the bin was all he could offer every single one of us. This guy is easily as lazy as it could get.

Emptying the Garbage Bin

The grey garbage bin here is kept close to the wall. Inside it is piles and piles of papers, as you can see below. It is so full that the entire pile of papers is more than twice the size of the box.

Emptying the Garbage Bin

Emptying the Garbage Bin

How long has it been since they emptied it out anyway? If you ask us, they need to get around to it sooner than later!

Lazy And Hungry

The girl below is simply an inspiration to every single lazy person in the world. She wanted to come and get her pizza but could not be bothered to head downstairs and then back again.

Lazy And Hungry

Lazy And Hungry

She simply threw wool thread down there and had her friend tie the pizza box with the thread. All she had to then was the pull it up, and there you have it. She barely made an effort, but her pizza is now in her hands.

Hands-free Phone Conversation

We have another case of a guy who wanted to do something else while he was still on the phone. He is definitely in the running for best employee of the month!

Hands-free Phone Conversation

Hands-free Phone Conversation

What did he decide to do since he was not in the mood to hold the phone up with his hand? He used the wire and wrapped it over his face, of course!

Use The Mailboxes

In a lot of movies and shows, we see plenty of hardworking mailmen. However, it seems like there are lazy people among the bunch as well.

Use The Mailboxes

Use The Mailboxes

The only thing to be done was to put the envelopes in the proper boxes, but he could not even be bothered to do that. What was so hard about it anyway?

Trolley Parking

There is something a little creepy about these red trolleys lying in the parking area of the supermarket. It seems like people were too lazy to just carry their bags using their hands.

Trolley Parking

Trolley Parking

Eventually, they simply abandoned them there and then after loading the bags into their cars. Folks, can’t you at least try to move it out of the sidewalk at the very least?

No Need To Open It

Something about this photo speaks to us on a spiritual level. The guy knew he needed a doorstop, but he could not even be bothered to take it out of the packaging after buying one.

No Need To Open It

No Need To Open It

Talk about lazy! He simply placed it below the door with the packaging still intact. It works but… really, man?

Who Needs A Bowl

This guy is having his breakfast of cornflakes and milk inside a polybag. It is common to grab a bowl and then make your cereal there, but this is too much work for him.

Who Needs A Bowl

Who Needs A Bowl

Why do that when you can eat the thing straight out of the polybag, right? It saves time and effort as well as the need to wash up later.

Puppy Dog Eyes

This cute brown pooch decided to lie down, all ready to have an awesome time on the black chair. However, there is something he was missing: his toy!

Puppy Dog Eyes

Puppy Dog Eyes

The puppy did not feel like straightening up and then going down to retrieve the thing. It wants to play with it, but can someone just pick it up for him?

Can’t Be Bothered

Someone simply decided to put the toilet paper roll on top of the toilet paper holder inside of inside it.

Can’t Be Bothered

Can’t Be Bothered

Why? Because this is easier, we guess. At any rate, it would not have taken a long time at all to insert it

Too Lazy To Put The Eggs There

This egg holder had two eggs inside of it. The owner bought five pieces of eggs in a plastic holder.

Too Lazy To Put The Eggs There

Too Lazy To Put The Eggs There

It was not hard at all to put the eggs in the egg holder, but there we have it anyway.

A Spoonful of Laziness

You are looking at a bowl of healthy cereal on the table with a spoon. However, this guy simply decided to use his kid’s spoon instead of getting his own!

A Spoonful of Laziness

A Spoonful of Laziness

That is how it is when you have children of your own.

More Toilet Paper Rolls

Can you see this toilet paper roll hanging on from the paper hold?

More Toilet Paper Rolls

More Toilet Paper Rolls

The person could not be assed to throw out the old toilet paper roll and simply squeezed in a new one right beside it.

Table Fan For The Fields

No one ever said you can only use a table fan indoors. This person was a genius who decided to bring it out and use it to water the fields with a rubber pipe.

Table Fan For The Fields

Table Fan For The Fields

What did we tell you? Lazy people can be smart!

Trash Collection

Look at these polybags right beside the door. The bags have been piled up so high in the corner of the room they nearly reach the ceiling.

Trash Collection

Trash Collection

There are lots of people who can’t be bothered to take out the trash.

Untouched Tree

Setting up and decorating the Christmas tree is basically tradition for a number of people out there.

Untouched Tree

Untouched Tree

Not all people have all the time in the world, however. These people were both lazy and practical!

Playing With Pets

She was playing with her dog from inside because she could not stand the heat.

Playing With Pets

Playing With Pets

She gave the pup the Frisbee to give the pooch some exercise, but she was perfectly fine indoors, thank you very much.

Another Lazy Cereal Lover

It seems like cornflakes in polybags are being the next big thing.

Another Lazy Cereal Lover

Another Lazy Cereal Lover

The bowl was in the sink, but this man decided he wanted his cereals then and there. If you don’t want to put in any effort, you should do this.

Lazy Man’s Thermometer

This is a mercury thermometer hung on the wall using a nail.

Lazy Man’s Thermometer

Lazy Man’s Thermometer

Instead of taking it out of the bag, the person who bought it did this without taking it out of the plastic. What is so hard about pulling it out?

Refilling The Tank

Here is a car in line for the petrol pump. The owner did not even bother to reverse the car so that it is facing the right way.

Refilling The Tank

Refilling The Tank

Nope, the driver simply extended it as far as it could go and then plugged it in.

A Mountain of TVs

It seems like some people cannot afford a proper television table but will hold on top three old TV sets.

A Mountain of TVs

A Mountain of TVs

Not only was this super lazy, but it was also very dangerous. Let’s hope he has changed the setup!

More Toilet Paper

We do not call it a toilet paper holder for nothing, people. Why do some people seem intent to do things their way even when they are totally wrong?

More Toilet Paper

More Toilet Paper

It will be a better place when we use things as they were meant to be used.

A Trolley And A Basket

This woman has a shopping basket in her trolley. Why?

A Trolley And A Basket

A Trolley And A Basket

She did not need to pick up a lot of stuff, but she could not be bothered to lift the thing on her own. Lazy is as lazy does.

Just Go Home

This student is lying on the floor along the corridor. Dude, just go home and watch Netflix over there!

Just Go Home

Just Go Home

However, we can sympathize a little bit too since we all know that college can be tough.

Snow-Covered Car

The owner of this car felt too lazy to get the car to a washer and get it cleaned real good.

Snow-Covered Car

Snow-Covered Car

We are sure he is having a had time right now, although it seems like he is fine as long as he can still drive it.

Chicken Nuggets Tray

We all love chicken nuggets, but we do not think your mom would be thrilled when you do this.

Chicken Nuggets Tray

Chicken Nuggets Tray

There are many plates in the kitchen, so go use one of them for your nuggets! People are crazy.

Mashing Potatoes

The potatoes have been mashed in this red bowl with a drill machine. We kid you not.

Mashing Potatoes

Mashing Potatoes

The person even attached scissors to it so that it will be even easier. We loved mashed potatoes, but this is just too much.

A Lazy Worker

How much lazier can you get than keeping a bottle at the fuel trigger?

A Lazy Worker

A Lazy Worker

The worker was too lazy to hold it by himself after a while, so just decided to use his new technique to get things done.

Just Like Garfield

Look at this fat brown cat at the CD drawer. She looks like she is having a blast in there!

Just Like Garfield

Just Like Garfield

Cat, it is time for you to look for a better place to lie down in.

Walking The Dog

This blonde lady knew it was important to walk the dog, but did that mean she was going to walk herself?

Walking The Dog

Walking The Dog

Of course not, silly. She just tied her dog onto the golf cart for a nice afternoon stroll of sorts.

Look Around For Your Package

The guy who did this was not very good at his job, is he? He left the package by the doorstep and covered it with the doormat for good measure.

Look Around For Your Package

Look Around For Your Package

Just ring the bell and hand it over next time, pal.

Long Straw For Lazy People

Below, you can see a guy working on his laptop. He is taking a sip from his drink, which is lying on the table.

Long Straw For Lazy People

Long Straw For Lazy People

He did not want to reach in every single time, which is why he connected a bunch of straws!

Easy Shaving

A shaving razor has been attached to a wire looping plier to improve its grip.

Easy Shaving

Easy Shaving

Lazy people are probably prone to having such a thing slip, which is not a good idea whatsoever. Was this really necessary?

Cleaning Drilling Machine

A person clipped on the toilet cleaner to a drilling machine to make it easier to clean the house.

Cleaning Drilling Machine

Cleaning Drilling Machine

He was too lazy to do it with his own hands, so he came up with his very own cleaning tool. Not bad.

Taking The Dogs Out

We have more people taking their dogs out for a walk while they use golf cars.

Taking The Dogs Out

Taking The Dogs Out

These men were holding onto the dogs via their collars while they keep the vehicle nice and slow. They are simply way too lazy.

Pizza Pile

It is easy to see just how delicious and convenient pizzas are. There are people who refuse to chuck it in the bin after eating it, though.

Pizza Pile

Pizza Pile

That is how we presume these guys built up such a collection of boxes.

No More Washing

For some people, the worst household chore is washing the dishes. This guy found a way to avoid doing the horrid task.

No More Washing

No More Washing

He decided to covered plates with cellophane and eat on top of it! Voila.

Calling Australia

Do you know what the dialing code is in Sydney? How about in Perth? Yeah, we don’t know either. What we do know, however, is that when you call “Down Under” you should do it right.

Calling Australia

Calling Australia

This lazy office worker found an interesting way to keep his phone close to the ear. We’re only wondering how he managed to speak through the earpiece and listen through the mouthpiece.

Cold Feet

Starting a new job could be daunting, but there will always be that sense of uncertainty. While some people embrace the challenge ahead of them, others get cold feet and get a severe case of the “munchies”.

Cold Feet

Cold Feet

We’re not judging this girl at all. For all we know she’s just some smarty who found a really easy and convenient way to cool down in the summer, all the while eating her lunch and getting some work done.

For Only A Quarter

How lazy do you have to be in order to decide not to open the bag of Skittles before putting them in the vending machine? Apparently, the answer to that question is “this lazy!”

For Only A Quarter

For Only A Quarter

But at the same time, if you manage to get that whole bag out just for the price of one quarter then you might find yourself praising the packer who put these candies in the machine in the first place.

Dogs Too

It’s not only people who are lazy when they want to be, but dogs can also certainly take on this laziness too. This young pooch over here has done more than he wished to in order to get to his bowl of water.

Dogs Too

Dogs Too

If he could have it his way, that bowl would be the one standing on two legs! Nevertheless, he has made do with what he has. At least he doesn’t have to fill the bowl up himself.

Happy Birthday

A birthday is a very special time. It’s an occasion to celebrate a person, for without them the world would not have their presence. Most people show their appreciation for this person by bringing them a cake, some balloons, and a few gifts.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

This, of course, doesn’t apply to people who don’t have time, or who are too lazy to actually do any of these things. Here is a cake… just in its raw form. At least there’s a candle.

Where’s His Coke?

If you’re a computer gamer then you know how challenging it is to free your hands up when you’re in the middle of a sweltering match of whatever you’re playing online. This guy knows all about it.

Wheres His Coke

Where’s His Coke?

For him, the only danger to losing the focus he has on his computer game is when he dips his head down and sticks out his tongue to gather up the popcorn in his hoodie. By the way, where’s his Coke?

Please Sit In Line

For all our lives we’ve been told to stand in line. The truth is that it can become quite tiresome. Not everyone agrees with me, but I know for sure that there is one woman in a Burger King somewhere who doesn’t just agree.

Please Sit In Line

Please Sit In Line

When the standing gets too much you can easily grab a chair and slide it right into your place in line. However, it might be more work to pull it forward each time someone gets their food.

Seems A Little More Difficult

There are super smart people out there, and there are super lazy folks too. Sometimes they can actually be the same person. In this case, we’re not sure that they can be considered both or not.

Seems A Little More Difficult

Seems A Little More Difficult

It does look like a good idea, but then you need to think about how comfortable that really is. Also, perhaps we should be asking where exactly he’s taking that. Maybe it belongs to the neighbor.

Don’t Sit So Close

Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to sit so close to the television set? This kid is actually pretty far away from it, but we do think that the same rule applies here even if the screen is so small.

Dont Sit So Close

Don’t Sit So Close

This is a smart solution to a terrible problem – holding your phone over your face with the danger of it falling onto you. What do you think the sound is like with that glass table there?

Great Place For An Alarm Clock Too

Well well, we have another smartphone genius in our ranks. This guy has found a somewhat more practical method of keeping his phone at eye level without the hassle of having to use his healthy arms to hold it.

Great Place For An Alarm Clock Too

Great Place For An Alarm Clock Too

We hope that he doesn’t need that tablet outside of his room every day because that could become quite a difficult task to pull off – all that duct tape.

All That Work

“Sir, did you order the Coke and Frisbee?” It must have taken a good while for him to find the exact right height of this reclining chair and all the other paraphernalia that he used to get his drink at the exact right height.

All That Work

All That Work

Thank goodness he has a straw, or else it would be rather challenging to get to the bottom of that glass from up there. There’s lazy and there’s this guy.

Maybe We Should Get Him A Bed First

Listen, before we start with all the lectures about good posture and the dangers of sitting so close to a screen for extended periods of time, we should probably give this young man a little bit of constructive advice.

Maybe We Should Get Him A Bed First

Maybe We Should Get Him A Bed First

Before you get so lazy that you flip your bed on its side, maybe try getting a bed first. This might even be the purchase you make before you get a TV… just maybe.

Can You Pull Me On The Swing?

When I was a kid it was a real drag to convince one of my parents to come outside and push me on the swings. Heaven knows they had much more important things to do, even if I didn’t know it myself.

Can You Pull Me On The Swing

Can You Pull Me On The Swing?

This parent outsmarted the system by introducing the “pull you on the swing” trick. Chilled iced tea, reclining chair, and a chord. Everyone is happy in this scenario.

That One Flight Of Stairs

Having to climb up and down one flight of stairs could be the death of someone. Hey, I’m not saying I buy that, but it does seem like the mindset this lazy guy is in. Just look at this picture.

That One Flight Of Stairs

That One Flight Of Stairs

He could have literally walked down about 18 stairs and retrieved his shirt, but instead, he went to the closet and got out the vacuum cleaner, and then he did this.

Daylight Saving Time

Every year, twice a year, we have to change our clocks to accommodate for daylight saving. Nowadays it’s really easy because our phones and computers do it automatically – no hassles, no problems.

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time

One problem does arise when we have to change all the analog clocks in our houses or at work. This college lecture hall clock was treated in the laziest way possible. We must admit that it’s easy to understand.

Who’s More Board?

Har har, it really is a bad dad joke, but what can I do? This security guard is a genius. I mean, other than the fact that he’s getting paid to do something that he’s not doing, of course.

Whos More Bored

Who’s More Board?

We’re not sure how convincing this mounted poster really would be. Maybe that shotgun in the picture would deter would-be thieves, especially with that unbreakable stare.

We Wish You A Smelly Christmas

Christmas time is always busy. Gifts to buy, cookies to bake, and a tree to get too. What do you do when you’ve totally forgotten about the tree? Well, you can improvise, of course.

We Wish You A Smelly Christmas

We Wish You A Smelly Christmas

“We wish you a smelly Christmas, we wish you a smelly Christmas and a happy New Year!” I’m sure the kids were happy anyway. After all, they did get their gifts, didn’t they?

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that are hard. We don’t always have all the resources that we need, so that means we have to improvise. This young lady had a job interview and no time to paint her toenails.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

Instead of going without any nail polish at all, she did this. A genius way to dress the part without having to waste precious time she could have used to do other things.

Lazy Or Genius?

Even though we’re on the subject of lazy people, we have to take a second to share our admiration for this smart person. Instead of having to work hard, this person has chosen to work smart. Why do the work when the lawnmower will do it for you?

Lazy Or Genius

Lazy Or Genius?

Round and round it goes! We’re wondering whether this was a parent’s idea, or if it was a brave teenager who dared to take his weekly chores to the next level.

Raking It In

Not all jobs are high-paying jobs, but from the looks of it, these guys are certainly raking it in! No, but really, this team of workers has surely made a joint effort to clean up the streets with the least amount of effort ever.

Raking It In

Raking It In

Not only do they get to sit back and relax as their rakes gather up leaves, but they also manage to do really good work. Just look at how clean the sideswalk will be once they’re done.

How Lazy People Get Around

This photo definitely gives us Christmas gives, even though it was definitely not winter yet. This dude is simply resting on a chair on top of some wheels and keeping his dogs running to get moving.

How Lazy People Get Around

How Lazy People Get Around

This was how people used to get around in the past, right? He was lazy, but we can’t deny his brilliance.
