These Photos Just Go To Show How Brilliant Lazy People Can Be

Published on 07/30/2019

For Only A Quarter

How lazy do you have to be in order to decide not to open the bag of Skittles before putting them in the vending machine? Apparently, the answer to that question is “this lazy!”

For Only A Quarter

For Only A Quarter

But at the same time, if you manage to get that whole bag out just for the price of one quarter then you might find yourself praising the packer who put these candies in the machine in the first place.


Dogs Too

It’s not only people who are lazy when they want to be, but dogs can also certainly take on this laziness too. This young pooch over here has done more than he wished to in order to get to his bowl of water.

Dogs Too

Dogs Too

If he could have it his way, that bowl would be the one standing on two legs! Nevertheless, he has made do with what he has. At least he doesn’t have to fill the bowl up himself.