We are sure that not a single person on the planet can claim never to have done something silly and embarrassing. In the past, it was a lot easier to move on from these mortifying moments as soon as it ended. However, social media now lets our mistakes haunt us for weeks, months, even years. Take a look at people who screwed up and were caught in the act. You might let out a sigh of relief that it did not happen to you, but you should not get too complacent! After all, it might still happen.
The SUV Is Sinking
Wow. We do not know about you, but this looks like a lost cause by now. These kids did not know how to tell a boat and an SUV apart, so they now have to deal with the result of their mistake. It must suck.

The SUV Is Sinking
Curiosity Killed The Car
We have all been there. Sometimes, you simply can’t pass up the chance to express your curiosity. The guy in the passenger seat just wanted to know what this button did. Sadly, he found out that the sunroof turns into a snowroof when winter rolls in.

Curiosity Killed The Car