Easy Way To Cool Down A Hot Car
Have you ever had to stand outside in the summer to air out your suffocatingly hot vehicle just enough to BREATHE when you got inside? To expedite the procedure, roll down the passenger side window and open and shut the driver’s side door rapidly for a few seconds. This produces a fanning action, enabling fresh air to enter while eliminating all of the hot, stagnant air from your car.

Easy Way To Cool Down A Hot Car
Dryer Sheets As Air Freshener
Spending money on air fresheners that only last a few days, such as clip-on or over-the-mirror air fresheners, is a waste of money. A package of dryer sheets lasts considerably longer, is less intrusive, and absorbs smells efficiently. You can buy them in scented or unscented varieties, and they’ll keep your vehicle smelling fresh for months.

Dryer Sheets As Air Freshener