Vinegar To Defrost Your Windows
People who live in areas where it generally gets super cold during the winter will definitely appreciate this hack. Being accustomed to the daily chore of having to defrost your car in the mornings is no joke. But luckily for you, we have something to help you out. Instead of pouring water over your windshield in the morning, rather mix it with some vinegar. Then mix it together in a spray bottle and spray the solution onto your windows. The vinegar helps burn through the ice much faster, and with a spray bottle, you’ll be able to spray the mixture evenly to avoid icy patches that may block your view.

Vinegar To Defrost Your Windows
Get More Gas From The Pump
Filling the car with gas may seem completely straightforward, but there’s actually a better way to pump gas than simply going at it full throttle. If you press the gas pump all the way down it can often create bubbles in your tank, making the nozzle think you have filled it. However, the truth is there is still a lot more space to put gas in, the trick is to go slower. All you need to do is press the pump just halfway, wait a bit longer for the gas to come out, but so much more will actually go into your tank.

Get More Gas From The Pump