This Mom Was Happy To See Her Child’s Lunchbox Until She Saw A Note That Made Her Smile Fade Away

Published on 07/16/2020

Like Tug Of War

A loving and caring mother who always wants what’s best for her son that is Francesca Easdon. Like any mother out there, she knows that one of the biggest challenges of being a woman is to raise a child that came from your womb. Kyler is the name of her son. Kyler, who grew up and developed a bad eating habit. Same as other children, Kyler refused to eat any type of green veggies starting since he was a kid.

Like Tug Of War

Like Tug Of War


They Reached A Compromise

As time went by, Kyler’s eating habits became too alarming for her mother. She was having a difficult time serving meals for him because Kyler would usually don’t refuse what was served in front of him. Francesca could tell that Kyler is becoming picky in what he eats. This is when Kyler starts to gain extra weight as a result of not having healthy foods in his meals.

They Reached A Compromise

They Reached A Compromise