This Mom Was Happy To See Her Child’s Lunchbox Until She Saw A Note That Made Her Smile Fade Away

Published on 07/16/2020


Francesca firmly said that no matter what circumstances she may face, she will face it for her son Kyler. You could really feel the care of a loving mother in this kind of situation. That whatever comes her way, the safety and the level of responsibility for Kyler comes first behind anything else.





Francesca Easdon ended her post with a reminder to everyone that they should monitor their child’s daycare. She also informed her followers that even when Kyler has her extreme care, she still didn’t see this kind of thing coming. Francesca included in her post that people who are close to this school should keep their children away from it, for this school does not deserve the given privilege to them to teach children like Kyler.

Hands On

Hands On