This Mom Was Happy To See Her Child’s Lunchbox Until She Saw A Note That Made Her Smile Fade Away

Published on 07/16/2020

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After preparing the food that he made for Kyler, she wrote a note, which she usually does. This note served as the centerpiece of the problem. “Please tell Kyler that his mommy loves him so much, and I’m thinking about him.” That’s what her beloved mom, Francesca, wrote in the note that he left for her son. Isn’t it so thoughtful?

The Post Went Viral

The Post Went Viral


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In Kyler’s school, it was a practice that every note in a lunchbox prepared for a particular pupil was meant to be read out loud by the teacher at lunchtime. It was definitely not an odd request. There was no way that Francesca would have guessed that this teacher would elicit such words like that.

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Finding Inappropriate Content