You’re well-aware of the woes of car depreciation if you ever bought a car. The minute your new wheels leave the floor of the shop, the value of your car will lose about 10 percent of its market value. A year on, and you can take another 10% of that off. The uncomfortable reality is that as time goes on, your car’s value will continue to dip-just look at the numbers. An average of 15 percent -25 percent per year will be lost to brand new vehicles. It will have lost 60 percent of its selling price by your engine’s fifth year! So check out this list of 35+ cars taking a retail value hit before buying a new car.
Smart ForTwo
The Smart ForTwo is hardly worth your money, despite being advertised as an environmentally-friendly vehicle. It is cramped, has a low two-gear transmission, and does not have a safety rating as high as larger vehicles to begin with. The Smart For Two’s value will have dropped by around 36 percent once the one-year mark comes around! That’s $14,000, more or less!

Smart ForTwo
Hyundai Genesis
Not to insult Hyundai, but they were surely a bit overconfident when they placed this engine in the same price range as Lexus and Mercedes. In its first year, Hyundai Genesis had a rapid depreciation of 38 percent of its retail value. Of course, this is particularly true if it is bought new and not straight off the showroom floor. The best bet for this hopeful luxury car could be second-hand. Otherwise, from its original $52,000 price, you’re talking about a $16,000 value loss.

Hyundai Genesis