The World Looks A Lot Different Than You Think And These Maps Prove It

Published on 06/02/2022

Mons Olympus

Mons Olympus is the largest volcano in our solar system. It is twice the height of Mount Everest and is so massive that it would not fit into Arizona, as shown above. Consider the havoc this device would cause if it exploded. Or maybe we just don’t care…

Mons Olympus

Mons Olympus


The US From Alaska’s Point of View

When looking at a map of the United States, Alaska is frequently overlooked. It’s frequently stated in small text on the back of the map. Alaskan mapmakers may have become tired of being forgotten, so they made their own map, in which the United States is a footnote!

The US From Alaska's Point Of View

The US From Alaska’s Point Of View