The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Cast Behind Your Favorite Characters

Published on 10/17/2018

Paul Bettany – J.A.R.V.I.S/Vision

Playing the AI in Tony Stark’s Iron Man suits, Paul Bettany began his career in the MCU voicing J.A.R.V.I.S. In the first two Iron Man films he just voices the AI, while in Avengers: Age of Ultron he becomes a superhero named Vision created by Ultron along with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Vision becomes one of the Avengers, appearing in the rest of the films.

Paul Bettany

Paul Bettany


Tom Holland – Spider-Man/Peter Parker

Tom Holland was cast as Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man, in June 2015. He made his first appearance in Captain America: Civil War, aiding Tony Stark in their battle. To this day, Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes ever. Since becoming part of the MCU, Parker had his own solo movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and is set to be in another solo film. The teenage superhero has a storyline centered around him balancing his duties as a high school student and striving to become an official Avenger.

Tom Holland

Tom Holland