Kate And Her Opinions
As part of the Royal protocol, Kate has to stay neutral with her opinions at all times. This means she is not allowed to discuss politics or social issues with the media, to ensure she remains completely free from controversy (as much as humanly possible). Due to these Royal rules, Kate is not allowed to vote in elections. So far, Kate has stuck to the protocol seems to follow everything with a fine tooth comb, so has never been particularly outspoken opinionated about any issues.

Kate And Her Opinions
Meghan And Her Opinions
With Meghan however, it’ was a different story. During her younger years, she blogged about issues close to her heart, like gender inequality and prejudice. Her personality has always been strong-willed and she is known to be an outspoken feminist, which incidentally goes against the royal protocol. Nevertheless, after Meghan married Harry, she had to start following the Royal protocol and gradually become more neutral. First off, she had to delete her blog, which was a big subject of controversy, as well as delete all of her social media.

Meghan And Her Opinions