Meghan Markle Gets Some Serious Shade Thrown At Her By Former Royal Family Staff Member

Published on 04/30/2019
Meghan Markle Gets Some Serious Shade Thrown At Her By Former Royal Family Staff Member

Meghan Markle Gets Some Serious Shade Thrown At Her By Former Royal Family Staff Member

It feels as if it was forever ago that Meghan Markle was an actress in Hollywood and capturing hearts all over America with the legal drama she appeared in – Suits. In the past year and a half, so much has happened in her life, to the point where it seems like she was part of the British Royal Family for years and years. All the same, the Duchess of Sussex still hasn’t had her first anniversary with Prince Harry, but the day is fast approaching. By the time it comes around, she will have become a mother.

Despite the fact that Meghan is still pretty new to the Royal Family, she’s had a little while to adjust to her new life. Maybe that’s the reason people seriously question and speculate about the way she acts around the royal staff. There has been talking that she’s let her new status get to her head. Well, former royal aide, Dickie Arbiter, has decided to come forward and speak openly about the matter.

A New Life

In the last few years alone, Meghan Markle has been through more changes in her life than most of us can even begin to imagine. It’s true that she transitioned from one luxurious life to another, however, the Duchess of Sussex still had to adapt to many new habits and rules in her new environment.

A New Life

A New Life

It’s understandable she’s made a few missteps seeing how much she has on her plate. The real question is, at what point do you say that enough is enough?

Proving People Wrong

For many years, Meghan worked harder than ever to make it as an actress in Hollywood and to make a name for herself. Growing up, she didn’t have much to her name, so she knew the value of hard work in order to achieve her goals. At last, she made it big on Suits, and all those years of work felt worthwhile. She’s never been more proud of herself and how far she’s come. Previously, she’d been told by people that her acting career would never succeed, but she proved them all wrong.

Proving People Wrong

Proving People Wrong

At that point, Prince Harry came into the picture and changed her whole life. Just years after the two had begun dating, it was clear that the prince swept her off her feet, and the happy couple got engaged. This wouldn’t be the first time Meghan would be walking down the aisle, but she was adamant about making this marriage her last. As we all know, this is easier said than done.


To keep her relationship strong and thriving, Meghan needs to make sure she stays on the Royal Family’s good side. With so many rules that the monarchy established, breaking any of them could spell trouble. Meghan had already slipped up a few times since she and Harry became engaged. However, seeing as it was all so new to her, these things were excusable.



Now that her first anniversary is near, breaking any of the rules is no longer acceptable. There is one thing that the Duchess seems to be doing that is giving her a bad rep with the Royal Family: the way she treats the staff. There are concerns that she’s been acting rather condescending towards them and lacking respect for them. This alleged behavior has caused some controversy among the royals.

Keeping Her In Check

Once he found about the Duchess’ apparent rudeness towards the royal staff, former royal aide Dickie Arbiter has spoken up about the matter. He had worked with the monarchy for years, leading to him becoming upset when he heard someone wasn’t treating the staff well. He appeared on The Today Show and spoke to the host, saying how Meghan needs to remember where she is exactly. He explained that her Hollywood manners won’t do well in Buckingham Palace.

Keeping Her In Check

Keeping Her In Check

He thinks Meghan is still wrapped up in her old life, leading to certain behaviors that she needs to unlearn. If she keeps going the way she is now, she might find herself pushed out by the rest of the royals. While Harry might love Meghan, if he was forced to make the decision between her or his family, no one can really know what he would decide.

Mind Yourself

As he was criticizing the Duchess of Sussex, Arbiter pointed out that Meghan needed to remember the hierarchy of the Royal Family. The Queen is, of course, at the very top, in Arbiter’s eyes, she’s the only one who really matters. Everyone else in the monarchy is a “supporting player” according to him. He went on to say that Meghan needed to keep that in mind before she oversteps the mark.


Mind Yourself

Mind Yourself

Since the Duchess isn’t a blood relative of the family, her status is automatically lower than everyone else’s. Even Kate is in a higher position than Meghan since she’s been part of the family longer and she’s taken to the lifestyle in a smoother fashion. While the Duchess of Sussex should feel like she’s contributing to the monarchy, she should make sure to remember that her actions always reflect on the head of the family.

False Rumors

Arbiter’s comments might have sounded very harsh, but he didn’t completely tear into Meghan during the interview. He suggested that the nickname the Duchess was recently given, ‘Me-Gain’, was very unlikely to be something people called her.


False Rumors

False Rumors

Ther might be several officials who have referred to Meghan that way, but Arbiter figured people would be too professional to act in such a disrespectful manner. All the same, this could change if the Duchess doesn’t begin to improve her behavior behind the scenes.

Listen To Advice

If the Duchess wants to create good relationships with the people around her, she needs to listen to her officials more. At least that’s what Arbiter believes. He claims that Meghan needs to be more careful about her behavior in the future, and looking to her officials for advice is the right way to do so.

Listen To Advice

Listen To Advice

By following their lead and doing what they instruct her to, things will start looking better for the Duchess. Naturally, these people are experts in their field, and none of them will want to steer Meghan to the wrong path no matter how they feel about her.

Taking The Lead

Clearly, the only thing holding Meghan back from having things working out is her determination to do things her way. She’s become accustomed to taking action to have her voice heard, but in the monarchy, that kind of behavior doesn’t work.

Taking The Lead

Taking The Lead

She has to trust that other people know better than she does when it comes to certain things. More often than not, they do. Meghan has only been in this environment for a year, but some of her staff have spent most of their lives in the monarchy. Their experience means something.

Taking Time Away

Once she returns from maternity leave in a few months, Meghan will be expected to begin initiating these changes. Since she’s close to giving birth, she’ll be putting aside her royal duties in favor of taking care of the baby.

Taking Time Away

Taking Time Away

We know this won’t exactly allow her a lot of rest and recuperation, but all the same, it will give her some time away from the spotlight. While on this break, we hope Meghan will realize what she needs to do in order to stay in everyone’s favor.

Cut Some Slack

If the Duchess wants her staff to take a liking to her, refraining from calling on them at all times of the day will probably help greatly. Meghan has reportedly become known for being demanding, often relying on her staff much more than she should.

Cut Some Slack

Cut Some Slack

You’d think this would be considered going against the royal rules for bombarding staff with requests, but that seems to have not bothered the Duchess. Of course, reports of this kind of behavior should be taken with a grain of salt, but there may be some truth to them.

Up And At It

It doesn’t help that the Duchess is reportedly up as early as 5 am, ready to start her day. Meghan is obviously a busy woman, and she likes getting a head start on things before everyone else wakes up. Unfortunately, she tends to call on her staff from the moment she gets up.

Up And At It

Up And At It

Having to cater to Meghan’s needs at such an early hour would be more than enough to upset most people. It only makes sense their relationship with the Duchess is as strained as it is.

Looking Back

Seeing how she’s been reportedly been behaving, it looks as if Meghan isn’t ready to put her Hollywood life behind her quite yet. She’s become so used to how things were as an actress that it’s taking her longer than expected to embrace the royal way of life.

Looking Back

Looking Back

Clearly, she’s making the most of some advantages, but she hasn’t fully accepted every part of her new life as the Duchess. Unfortunately, there is a reason royals rarely marry celebrities and Meghan’s supposed attitude is perfectly showcasing it.

Too Much

For some of the staff, the demands of the job have simply become too overwhelming under Meghan’s authority. Ever since she became the Duchess of Sussex, multiple staff members have quit their job. It looks like working for Meghan isn’t as glamorous and people had hoped, seeing as her assistant and bodyguard already left their roles.

Too Much

Too Much

Meghan’s assistant only remained in the job for six months before leaving, and her bodyguard didn’t make it a year before leaving as well. It seems like these people are dropping like flies.

Something New

In addition to these women quitting their jobs, Meghan is set to lose yet another staff member in the next few months since her secretary is leaving her position as well. Amy Pickerill has been by the Duchess’ side since the wedding last year, but she made the decision that it’s time to move on to something new.

Something New

Something New

While she handed in her notice, Amy plans on leaving only after Harry and Meghan get settled with everything. She doesn’t want to leave the couple before their baby arrives and abandon them.

Ending On Good Terms

Thankfully, despite the fact that Meghan is losing another staff member, Amy’s departure is reportedly an amicable one. There has been assurance that there’s no drama between the two which is why Pickerill is sticking around to help with the birth.

Ending On Good Terms

Ending On Good Terms

Seeing as so many people are leaving their jobs, it must be such a relief to Meghan that she hasn’t driven her secretary out. All the same, losing Amy hasn’t still sunk in for the Duchess. At this rate, there won’t be any staff left for Meghan.

By The Book

The drama surrounding Meghan is very different from the publicity Kate has gotten about her behavior over the years. The Duchess of Cambridge has been cautious about her behavior around her staff, making sure not to overstep or offend anyone.

By The Book

By The Book

The same level of respect is expected from Meghan as well, despite the fact that it doesn’t come as naturally to her as it does for Kate. It’s most likely because the two women grew up in such different environments and came from different backgrounds.

A Need For Advice

Meghan would benefit from asking her sister-in-law for advice in many ways. The Duchess of Cambridge has had a lot more time to adjust to the royal lifestyle before her marriage, and that experience is truly working in her favor.

A Need For Advice

A Need For Advice

Of course, Kate also made mistakes when she was new to the monarchy. However, she quickly learned and took the right steps to develop a good relationship with the people surrounding her. Meghan would do well following her example.

Is It An Act?

Of course, there is one thing in the way of Meghan being able to learn from Kate, and that’s each other. For months now, there have been rumors of a feud between the two, and tensions only seem to be getting worse as time goes on.

Is It An Act?

Is It An Act?

It’s difficult to know where these two stand lately, especially since they share so much of their lives with the public. While they might put on smiles for the cameras, there’s a definite chance that’s just an act. We certainly hope that isn’t the case, for the sake of their relationship.

Family Split

Recent events have clearly not helped the situation, especially after Meghan and Harry have gotten their own Instagram account. For royals, the use of social media is severely restricted, the ones closest to the Queen more than anyone.

Family Split

Family Split

When she married Harry, the Duchess of Sussex was forced to give up her old Instagram account, but now the two have an official account just for them. At first, the couple shared the Kensington Palace account with William and Kate, so it makes sense that this separation has brought up questions about just how intense the supposed feud has become.

Sisterly Bond

It’s difficult to know whether the couple’s new Instagram is a sign that there is tension between Meghan and Kate. Whether that is the case or not, it’s about time the pair set their differences aside and worked things out once and for all.

Sisterly Bond

Sisterly Bond

If she wants to gain the approval of the public, it’s best that Meghan gets along with the Royal Family as much as possible. On the other hand, Kate knows the position Meghan is currently in better than anyone. Seeing as her sister-in-law is about to give birth, it’s time the two made up.

Time Is Running Out

Now that Meghan and Harry’s first anniversary is approaching, Meghan needs to seriously consider how she approaches certain issues and topics. When the two first got engaged, it made sense that she didn’t know exactly what to wear and wore the wrong outfit or did something that the Queen didn’t approve of.

Time Is Running Out

Time Is Running Out

Now, however, she’s had plenty of time to get the hang of things and become used to the royal lifestyle, yet she’s still causing problems. There’s a limit to how much the monarchy will accept before deciding that the Duchess of Sussex is a lost cause.

Self Reflection

It sounds like some time away from the public eye is ideal for Meghan right now. She’s been under so much pressure since getting married, and getting pregnant so quickly hasn’t exactly helped things.

Self Reflection

Self Reflection

Hopefully, a few months with Harry and the baby lying low will be just what she needs to make the right decisions in the future. She can think about what’s happened over the past year and reflect on her new life. It isn’t too late to turn things around, all she needs to do is make the effort.

Healthy Boundaries

Maybe the fact that Meghan and Harry recently moved out of Kensington Palace and into Frogmore Cottage in the English countryside will help Meghan, and her alleged strained relationships with those closest to her, some good.

Healthy Boundaries

Healthy Boundaries

Living right in the center of the capital, not to mention sharing the same space as her in-laws, has only led to negative outcomes. Or at the very least, bad publicity. Moving to another location might help those offended a chance to heal a little while Meghan focuses on the baby.

Advice For Harry

As it turns out, Meghan wasn’t the only one caught in Arbiter’s crosshairs. He also had things to say about her husband, Prince Harry. However, they were words of advice. He said Harry is probably “angry and upset” by the constant criticism of his wife in the British media. Not only that but the fact that her alleged nicknames have been leaked to the press.

Advice For Harry

Advice For Harry

According to Arbiter, Harry needed to just “keep his head down” and wait until the baby is born so both of them can start from the beginning and turn over a new leaf.

Knowing Her Place

Arbiter mentioned that Meghan would do well if she remembers she is no longer on the red carpet in Hollywood but on the crimson carpet of the monarchy. In the role she currently has, he said, she was a supporting player to both Prince Harry as well as the Queen.

Knowing Her Place

Knowing Her Place

She had to realize the family’s pecking order and her place within it. This is similar to what the royal author, Anna Pasternak, had said. She spoke about how Meghan doesn’t realize yet that Kate will someday be queen consort. As a result, Meghan won’t be the “star of the show” anymore.

The Baby Shower

In late March, Meghan had a secret, star-studded, baby shower in New York City. Many of her A-list friends were in attendance. This might not come as much of a surprise, but Arbiter wasn’t all that impressed with the whole ordeal.

The Baby Shower

The Baby Shower

As for the cost of the shower, Arbiter called it “over the top”. He went on to say that baby showers were “very much an American thing” as if that made it inherently bad. When it comes to the price tag, Arbiter might have a point. The shower reportedly cost $430,000. Not to mention the $124,000 private jet Meghan took to get to NYC.

Off On The Wrong Foot

If you’ve been following the Royal Family for a while now, you might have gotten the impression that Kate can do no wrong, whereas Meghan can’t do anything right. That claim isn’t completely baseless. Meghan began her life in the UK on the wrong foot, seeing as she’s a biracial American divorcée.

Off On The Wrong Foot

Off On The Wrong Foot

On the other hand, the British public and press alike were all too eager to welcome upper-middle class Kate Middleton. It isn’t so far off to say that Meghan has been getting the short end of the stick, so here’s to hoping that her time away from the public eye will improve her image.

Don’t Be Clever

Another piece of advice Dickie Arbiter has to offer Meghan in this interview is that she shouldn’t attempt to look “clever”. She should keep from trying to do things by herself.

Don't Be Clever

Don’t Be Clever

This matter seems to go against Meghan’s nature, as she’s always been a kind of go-getter. She fought her way from a modest upbringing to become a television star. That isn’t something that simply happens when you sit back and wait for others to do everything for you.

Her Roots

It’s good to keep in mind that Meghan Markle comes from such a drastically different background than the rest of the Royal Family. Even Kate Middleton was raised in an upper-class English family. Her jump into royalty wasn’t as challenging as it must be for Meghan.

Her Roots

Her Roots

Growing up with mixed-race, divorced parents in the United States taught Meghan how to stand up for herself. She’s been a liberal, independent thinker for a very long time now. Those very ideals might be the reason she has her clashes with the Royals.

American Feminist

One ideal that set Meghan apart from the rest of the traditional Royal Family is her feminism. Ever since she was young, Meghan took it upon herself to help with advancing the cause of women’s rights.

American Feminist

American Feminist

When she was only 11 years old, she was able to convince a dish soap company to change their slogan which she felt was unfair. Ever since then, the cause has been close to heart and she’s given multiple speeches and held several positions in which she advocated for equality.

Her Own Choices

Despite the fact that Meghan Markle is now an official member of a family that has a lot of rules, she doesn’t look as if she wants to give up her freedom to make her own choices. Recently, she created some controversy when she politely refused the services of the Queen’s physicians to lead the birthing team that will deliver her baby.

Her Own Choices

Her Own Choices

Meghan wanted to use her own team of doctors she trusted instead, which was also led by a woman. They made her feel more comfortable and at ease. She felt like she should have the final say in such a personal decision.


As Meghan and Harry are nearing the day of their baby’s birth, Meghan has slowly withdrawn from the spotlight. All of us are waiting to find out how the birth of their child will change the dynamics of the Royal Family.



Some people hope that this will help smooth things over between Meghan and the rest of the family. On the other hand, if Meghan and Harry insist to break protocol with the way they decided to raise their baby, it could lead to even more conflict. We’ll just need to wait and see what happens.

Baby News

Hopefully, the birth of Baby Sussex will be announced on Harry and Meghan’s Instagram page soon after it happens. In early April, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex created the account dedicated solely to post about matters that are important to them.

Baby News

Baby News

They’ve shared events the two attended. In addition, they’ve posted about charities that have a special place in their hearts, as well as other things that allow the public a glimpse of some of the good they do in the world. The couple’s account has a record-breaking amount of followers. All of which are waiting with anticipation for news related to the Royal Baby.

Taking Over The Media

Since Meghan and Harry announced their relationship, there’s no doubt the two have all but taken over the media. It seems almost impossible to go anywhere without hearing about Meghan or seeing a picture of her somewhere. Even so, it isn’t as if she wanted all this excessive attention, so no one can blame her.

Taking Over The Media

Taking Over The Media

It seems like Harry and Meghan just want to live their lives and are not at all looking for the coverage they’re getting. The cameras follow them because everyone – not just in the UK – wants to know everything they can about the royal couple.

Lifetime Goal

It’s been said that Meghan has wanted to become part of the Royal Family for her entire life and that she has a plan set to reach that goal. This led people to think that she’s been using Harry to gain a title, fame, and a life of luxury.

Lifetime Goal

Lifetime Goal

After the two got married, however, people stopped speaking about the matter as much. Even those who doubted the authenticity of the relationship saw how much love the two had for each other on their wedding day and just how extreme it would be to come up with such a plan in the first place.

Spreading Rumors

Even Meghan’s own family began to speak out about her and her marriage to Harry. Her sister began spreading all kinds of things about Meghan – solely to make some extra cash off the fame. It isn’t clear if we can believe what she’s saying or not.

Spreading Rumors

Spreading Rumors

It is believed that Samantha Grant Markle will be getting substantial amounts of money after Meghan and Harry’s baby is born. This seems odd seeing as she probably won’t meet the baby at all. She’s been banned from coming close to the family since she’s on a Royal obsessed watchlist.

Don’t Know What’s True

When push comes to shove, only the people who are actively involved with the family itself could know the truth about Meghan and Harry. Yes, insiders and palace staff have revealed all they know, but it doesn’t make everything they’ve said accurate.

Don't Know What's True

Don’t Know What’s True

They’re most likely getting financial payment for their statements and can say anything they want. The media will, of course, publish the story if it’s a good one, no matter if it reflects well on the Duchess or not.

Paying No Attention

It’s probably immensely difficult dealing with so much criticism and negative attention from the media, but Meghan has a flawless way of dealing with it: she simply ignores it.

Paying No Attention

Paying No Attention

Even before she became a royal and she was an actress on the TV series Suits, she made sure not to read anything the press wrote about her show. Nowadays, she feels like the British media is out to get her, but she does her best not to pay too much attention to it. She lets it fade into background noise.

Different Opinions

While there are some reports about the staff being frustrated with Meghan, there are also plenty of other sources that claim the exact opposite, According to one insider, Meghan is a quick learner and is excited to take her place in the Royal Family.

Different Opinions

Different Opinions

They said Meghan is ambitious, well-liked by the staff members and that most people are excited about her enthusiastic approach to the whole ordeal. Maybe most of the negative comments have been taken out of context.

Breaking Protocol

It’s clear that Meghan has broken Royal protocol in multiple ways, and we expect her to keep doing so to some extent. She’s caused some buzz when she wore off-the-shoulder dresses and dark nail polish. In addition, her public displays of affection with Prince Harry are also outside the Royal norm.

Breaking Protocol

Breaking Protocol

It’s probably so difficult for someone which such liberal views to become part of such a traditional family. Meghan is clearly doing her best to maintain her identity while following the rules of the Royals.

Meghan’s Lifestyle

Another detail that sets Meghan apart from the rest of the Royals and results in some criticism is the fact that she prefers to lead a more natural lifestyle. Reportedly, she’s convinced Prince Harry to stop hunting and she eats a mostly vegan diet.

Meghan’s Lifestyle

Meghan’s Lifestyle

She loves doing yoga and prefers to use eco-friendly products. We think that Meghan and Harry will use at the very least some of these views when they raise their baby. This, of course, could put them at odds with the Queen or other family members.

Tradition vs. Modernity

In the past century, the Royal Family has had to make many changes in order to stay relevant in today’s modern world. Meghan’s entrance to the family seems to be yet another sign of the changing times.

Tradition vs. Modernity

Tradition vs. Modernity

As the Queen gets older and the younger generation of Royals move closer to the throne, they’ll need to figure out how to balance the traditional role of the Royal Family in Britain what with the massive changes happening all over the world. Maybe Meghan can help with this transition.

Parking Situation

One of the latest things to cause drama between Meghan and her staff was the parking situation. Reports revealed that staff members have been banned from using the parking lot near Frogmore Cottage.

Parking Situation

Parking Situation

Apparently, they need to park about a mile away. A British tabloid said this situation came to be when Meghan said she wanted more privacy. She doesn’t want people parking right under her windows. The staff is said to be protesting this change, but not everyone believes this version of the story.

Not Her Fault

Yet again, Meghan is being called a diva because of the change in parking rules, but there have been other reports suggesting this change has nothing to do with her. It seems like the castle is going through changes with parking permits, but not because of Meghan.

Not Her Fault

Not Her Fault

The superintendent of the palace is the one to blame for this decision. So how come everyone is blaming Meghan? It could very well just be the media spreading rumors to sell tabloids, and sadly, Meghan has to take the brunt of it.

Nanny Rumors

Another controversial issue that arose with Meghan and Harry was the search for a nanny for their baby. According to some reports, Meghan is considering hiring an American nanny instead of a traditional Royal nanny.

Nanny Rumors

Nanny Rumors

She’s proud of her American background and feels that a nanny from her country will be more laid back and aligned with the way she wants to raise her baby. She also is said to be open to hiring a male nanny. If any of that is true, it’s a serious break from tradition.


As Meghan’s due date approaches, the couple has requested some privacy, saying they will announce the birth of the baby after they’ve had time to celebrate as a family. While this seems like a very reasonable request, it certainly hasn’t done anything to stop the criticism towards the family.



In addition, Meghan and Harry have announced they will not pose with their new baby soon after the birth as Kate had done. The Sussex family wants to welcome their baby in a more private manner.

Given Birth

Due to the radio silence about the Royal couple lately, a rumor has formed yet again, leading people to discuss the two. Fans think that maybe the reason for the whole parking issue, the request for privacy, and the lack of public appearances, Meghan had already given birth.

Given Birth

Given Birth

The public is aware that the baby is coming soon since most Royal women have their children about a month after beginning their maternity leave, and Meghan has started hers on March 20. A lot of people think the Royal couple has already welcomed the baby.

Old News

It looks like there won’t be an end to the ridiculous headlines about Meghan Markle, but truth be told, the media attention is very, very old news. In fact, the Royals have always been the center of attention in the British media.

Old News

Old News

Since fans want to know just about everything there is to know about the Royal Family, the tabloids keep publishing these stories to make bank. People are already comparing Meghan’s reception by the media to that of Princess Diana. It isn’t an easy transition to adjust to, but Meghan seems to be handling it well.

More Than Just Staff

Clearly, it isn’t a secret that those who’ve worked for Meghan throughout her time in the palace don’t have a lot of positive things to say about the Duchess.

More Than Just Staff

More Than Just Staff

However, the Royal staff is far from being the only people who’ve had trouble with the actress-turned-Duchess. There are plenty of people who think she isn’t the right wife for Harry. As a matter of fact, at least two different people in Harry’s life have warned him against marrying her.

Take It Easy

Believe it or not, but the first person to warn Harry against his relationship with Meghan was actually his brother, William. The two of them have always been close, so when William saw his brother falling for the Hollywood starlet, he knew he had to step in and say something.

Take It Easy

Take It Easy

William warned Harry to take it easy and to keep things slow as his relationship developed with Meghan. He told Harry it might not be a good idea to marry her, but the Prince had his heart set on Meghan as his future wife.

The Best Friend’s Input

The other notable person telling Harry not to marry Meghan was one of his closest friends he went to school with, Tom Inskip. Harry calls him by his nickname, Skippy. Well, this friend had warned Harry that the two were from completely opposite worlds and their lives were too different for the relationship to work.

The Best Friend’s Input

The Best Friend’s Input

Since he deeply cared about Harry, Skippy advised him against marrying Meghan. While Harry valued his friend’s opinion, this time he didn’t approve, leading him to cut off their friendship.

Moving To Africa

The most recent news about everyone’s favorite Royal couple is that they might be heading towards another big move, and soon. Despite the fact that they’re barely settled in their new home at Frogmore Cottage, there is a chance they’re off to Africa once the baby is born.

Moving To Africa

Moving To Africa

This hasn’t been confirmed or denied as of yet, but insiders don’t think it’ll happen until 2020 at least if it is true. The public was slightly upset when they heard about this, since this move would cost them more than $1.3 million in taxpayer dollars.
