Unique & Effective Child-Rearing Tips From Parents Like Yourself
Regardless of whether you find your job to be easy or not, you will likely agree with us when we say that being a parent is as hard as it gets. We are here to offer you some unorthodox pieces of advice if you are the parent of a youngster or two! You won’t see these suggestions on parenting websites, but trust us when we say they work.
Make-Shift Sweeper
Babies like to crawl all over your house. They will do it no matter what, so make the most out of the situation and make them clean the house. All you have to do is place dusters on the onesie and your floor will be spotless in no time at all!
Drink Up
Are you having some trouble getting your child to drink their medicine? We have just the suggestion for you. Give them the pacifier, but do not forget to cut the tip first. Now simply plug in a medicine dropper and sneakily give them their dose!

Drink Up