Find Out Why The Researchers And Scientists Decided To Seal Up The Deepest Hole On Earth

Published on 04/01/2021

Trapped Beneath The Surface

After that, impermeable rocks stopped new water from forming beneath the earth’s surface. When the researchers discovered this, this was their justification. What are your thoughts?


Trapped Beneath The Surface

Trapped Beneath The Surface


Closure And Collapse

The fall of the Soviet Union corresponded with the shutdown of the Kola Superdeep Borehole. By 1995, the project had been permanently shut down. It is currently classified as an environmental hazard. Visitors can see relics from the operation in the nearby town of Zapolyarny. It’s about six miles away from the location. Isn’t it amazing that no one has ever broken the record? This means the borehole is still the world’s deepest man-made point!

Closure And Collapse

Closure And Collapse