Since launching in 2007, Netflix has become an online force to reckoned with, especially in the competitive world of streaming networks and cable TV. Nevertheless, to maintain its competitive edge and ensure that fresh new content keeps flowing seamlessly, Netflix has had to make some tough decisions and remove some of its TV shows and movies. There could be multiple reasons why Netflix would cancel TV shows, from poor ratings to the natural season finale of a popular series. So we’ve collated a list of some of the TV shows that weren’t chilled enough for Netflix and didn’t quite make the cut for the next season.

Why Is Netflix Cancelling These Shows In 2019@
When Suits first came out it was an all-around sensation with outstanding performances by Gabriel Macht and Patrick J. Adams. They transformed law drama as we know it and this is why it became such a hit. Meghan Markle was the first to leave the show to join the royal family. At the end of season seven, we said goodbye to Patrick J; Adams and the last season starred Gabriel Macht who made nearly $700,000 per episode. After 9 seasons, the show sadly said goodbye.
