Find Out If Your Favorite Historical Figures Were Actually Fictional Characters

Published on 12/10/2020


We are sure that you have heard about the story of the “Midas touch.” This goes back to a Greek king named Midas, who could allegedly turn objects to gold with physical contact. It is a common myth, but has there been any proof to support its veracity? Let us see. The truth is that historians uncovered an ornate burial site from those days! Sadly, they did not find evidence of his existence either.




Jack The Ripper

Do you know when Jack the Ripper wreaked havoc in London? The serial killer was the man responsible for the murders of prostitutes in the East End back in the 19th century. What made the story even more morbid would be that he would rip out their throats and stomachs. Sadly, no one has ever been convicted of crimes. People would confess to it, but journalists would later find out that these were simply hoaxes. The police had not figured out his true identity even to this day! It remains a mystery.

Jack The Ripper

Jack The Ripper