Find Out If Your Favorite Historical Figures Were Actually Fictional Characters

Published on 12/10/2020

William Tell

Back in the 14th century, a Swiss troublemaker by the name of William Tell became famous. Legends say that an Austrian official once left a hat on top of a pole in Altdoft, telling every passerby to remove their hats once they walk past it. Tell refused to follow the order and was punished by shooting an apple placed on top of his son’s head. He had to do it from 12 paces away or be executed. Luckily for him, he did so successfully. Interestingly, this story has plenty of things in common with a Viking folktale. That is the reason some people assume that the tale of William Tell was simply fictional.

William Tell

William Tell


Sun Tzu

At some point, you probably tried to read Sun Tzu’s famous book: “The Art of War.” He was allegedly an ancient Chinese military leader. However, you might want to take the guidebook with a grain of salt. After all, it is hard to find evidence when it comes to its origins. One theory says that it was simply a collection of military lessons from many generations in the past.

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu