Find Out If Your Favorite Historical Figures Were Actually Fictional Characters

Published on 12/10/2020

Kunta Kinte

Many people learned Kunta Kinte’s story after reading the Pulitzer Prize winner “Roots” by Alex Haley. It received a TV adaptation in the form of a miniseries as well! The story became so popular that an island was even named after him. The slave’s story left a lasting impression on those who heard it, but certain details are thought to be fictional since Haley did not rely on wholly historical sources.

Kunta Kinte

Kunta Kinte


Helen Of Troy

If you are even slightly interested in Greek mythology, you probably know who Helen of Troy is. You can say that she was the reason the Trojan War even happened. Married to Menelaus, she ran off with Paris the Apple of Discord fiasco. There is even a saying that talks about her as the face that launched a thousand ships. Some scholars think that she was entirely made up to add more drama to the story!

Helen Of Troy

Helen Of Troy