New Yorker Finds A Giant Hole In Her Bathroom, Discovers It Leads Somewhere

Published on 04/22/2021

New York apartments can be quirky, but Samantha Hartsoe didn’t think it was fun or cute that there was something odd behind her bathroom mirror. In the beginning, she just wanted to find out where the cold air in her apartment was coming from. However, Samantha soon found something beyond shocking behind her mirror. It was like what you might see in a horror movie.

She Was Curious

She was curious why she was cold all the time, so she made it her mission to find the source of the strange cool breeze in her bathroom. Little did New Yorker Samantha Hartsoe know that her mission was going to be end up like a real-life horror film. It’s New York City, though. Real estate horror stories aren’t uncommon, but what exactly did Samantha find? Keep reading.

She Was Curious

She Was Curious


Strange Cool Air

Samantha Hartsoe is a 26-year-old New Yorker who has been home most of the time this year (2021), just like many people all over the world. Because she spent a lot of time at home, she started to notice a few things about the Roosevelt Island apartment where she was living. For example, she noticed a weird cool breeze coming in her bathroom which blew her hair. At first, she hadn’t noticed that the breeze was coming from the mirror.

Strange Cool Air

Strange Cool Air