New Yorker Finds A Giant Hole In Her Bathroom, Discovers It Leads Somewhere

Published on 04/22/2021

A Bit On Edge

“I was kind of expecting there to be somebody, especially with the water bottle being there. And that definitely put me on edge,” Samantha said in a chat with New York magazine. We can’t blame her if she was a bit on edge. The video that she took as she explored the abandoned apartment’s surroundings is definitely chilling. Who likes exposed pipes, ripped-up floors, and a freezing cold space? That’s right. No one.

A Bit On Edge

A Bit On Edge


Not Thrilled

Speaking with NBC New York, Samantha said that her friends and roommates weren’t really thrilled with her curiosity. She revealed, “Every corner I would walk normal and then be like [moving her head] to check. My roommates definitely thought I was going to be dead. When I came back, they were excited.” Well, if you saw your friend crawl back from a hole in the wall after they had explored a hidden, abandoned apartment, wouldn’t you be excited?

Not Thrilled

Not Thrilled