A Bit On Edge
“I was kind of expecting there to be somebody, especially with the water bottle being there. And that definitely put me on edge,” Samantha said in a chat with New York magazine. We can’t blame her if she was a bit on edge. The video that she took as she explored the abandoned apartment’s surroundings is definitely chilling. Who likes exposed pipes, ripped-up floors, and a freezing cold space? That’s right. No one.
Not Thrilled
Speaking with NBC New York, Samantha said that her friends and roommates weren’t really thrilled with her curiosity. She revealed, “Every corner I would walk normal and then be like [moving her head] to check. My roommates definitely thought I was going to be dead. When I came back, they were excited.” Well, if you saw your friend crawl back from a hole in the wall after they had explored a hidden, abandoned apartment, wouldn’t you be excited?