New Yorker Finds A Giant Hole In Her Bathroom, Discovers It Leads Somewhere

Published on 04/22/2021

Not As Easy As It Looks

Samantha soon found out that climbing through the hole wasn’t as easy as it seemed. The hole looked wider than it really was, and Samantha had difficulty wiggling her way through. Nevertheless, after some maneuvering and a bit of creativity, the New Yorker found an angle that worked and she was able to slip through. However, before she finally got to the other side, she ran into one more snag.

Not As Easy As It Looks

Not As Easy As It Looks


Quick Thinking

Samantha’s right leg was already through the hole when she realized that there wasn’t anything on the other side for her to hold on to. She was going to make a drop to the ground with her other leg dangling. Thankfully, she managed to find a pipe that could hold her weight, and she got to the other side safely. With some quick thinking, Samantha saved herself from what could be a dangerous fall.

Quick Thinking

Quick Thinking