You Won’t Believe What Realtors Found When This Elderly Woman Sold Her House After 70 Years

Published on 10/16/2019

Gladys and Carla Spizzirri are two real estate agents who have seen quite some homes throughout their careers. When they received a call to see 148 Jane Street, they kept their expectations low. The home did not look like it was anything special from the outside.


You Won’t Believe What Realtors Found When This Elderly Woman Sold Her House After 70 Years

Joyce, the elderly lady who owned it, got in touch with the pair to ask for an evaluation of her old house. Soon enough, the duo would be surprised by what they found inside!

A Regular Home

If you are looking for evidence that one should not judge a book by its cover, then have we got the story for you. Let us take a look at the secret a 96-year-old woman has been hiding in her West Toronto home. Viewing it from the outside, you would likely not find it very different from a regular home.

A Regular Home

A Regular Home

The moment it was put up the market, however, people discovered that there was more to the property. If you are interested in buying it, you should first know that it has been owned by the same elderly woman for more than seven decades! Before you call in a house flipper, take a peep inside first. You will definitely be amazed by the beauty concealed by the rough exterior.

Looking To Sell

Not many people had actually entered this house and the only information known to the public was that the same people lived there for a very long time. Otherwise, the house remained a total mystery.

Exceeded Expectations

Looking To Sell

One day the two realtors, Carla and Gladys received a call about a house that the owner was thinking of putting on the market.  Immediately the duo had to see the property for themselves first.

Just A Regular Day

The day began like any other for these sisters, everyone going about their usual work in the office.  The Agency was owned by sisters Gladys and Carla Spizzirri but they didn’t always work together. However, this changed once they realized how successful they actually were as a team.

Just A Regular Day

Just A Regular Day

The two completed each other – one would search for listings to sell and the other was skilled at speaking to potential customers. Their teamwork is effective and efficient, so why would they change a dynamic duo? Years of experience have made Glady and Carla knowledgable on the ins and outs of the business. They are masters at their jobs and equipped to tackle anything

The Phone Rings

These girls had no way of knowing how their life would change from a simple phone call. The phone rang and they were unprepared for what was going to happen. It seems that even professional realtors still get shocked!

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The Phone Rings

The phone is always ringing off the hook at the  Spizzirri’s’ office, so they took the call like they usually did. However,  things changed once they heard the person on the other end, an elderly woman named Joyce who was considering selling her home.

A Secret

Although Joyce had made the call to sell her house, she still seemed hesitant and wasn’t too fond of the idea. However, the sisters noticed Joyce was a persistent person who would probably sell her house eventually. Then, she revealed a shocking secret to the sisters, one that would change their lives.

Preservation of History

A Secret

Most people choose to sell their house to move forward and start a new chapter in their lives. They think it’s the right step to take and this is why they contact real estate offices. This was not exactly the case for Joyce, and she didn’t appear too thrilled over the idea of selling her home.

Hiding Something

When talking to clients, realtors commonly have a sixth sense. Both of the sisters had a feeling that the person calling them had a secret. Maybe it was something which would make selling the place difficult. They knew from experience that unpleasant things in the past could negatively affect the process of selling a house.

Success With Negotiations

Hiding Something

It was not the typical homeowner’s problem that Joyce tried to hide. She did not try to lie about things like a malfunctioning water heater or black mold. No, the secret she had was bigger than that. However, Gladys and Carla stuck to their guns. They decided to take on the challenge.

No Way To Prepare

The sisters had been tasked with the challenge of selling the home owned by the elderly lady. Together, Carla and Gladys had the experience and skills necessary to close a good sale for their clients.

A Secret No More

No Way To Prepare

The pair was a powerful force intent on dominating the entire real estate industry. However, nothing could have prepared them for what they would find at the property located on 148 Jane Street. The seemingly standard house apparently concealed many surprising things within its walls.

Something New

The sisters had been in this business for so many years that they were sure they had seen everything there was to see. They had been through it all, situations that would make others even give up. This made them capable to deal with almost anything they were confronted with. Before entering Joyce’s home, the sisters were already picturing what might be inside. They went through a variety of crazy ideas, none of which they could have possibly imagined.

Something New

Something New

Surprisingly Lucid

The girls lowered their expectations because old age often leads to a neglected home, one with messy rooms that would be harder to sell. However, Carla thought this case might be different.  Joyce revealed she was 96 years old and had collected an assortment of items in the home.

Surprisingly Lucid

Surprisingly Lucid

However, she sounded surprisingly lucid for her age.  The other tidbits did not exactly thrill an experienced realtor like her but Carla started to feel some hope and excitement for the property nonetheless. She was hesitant but ready to take a look.

Low Expectations

The sisters’ long work in the real estate business made them well acquainted with Toronto. They were well versed in buying and selling properties in the well-known neighborhoods in the city. Sometimes they would get lucky and find a property that even needed minimal work and sold itself. They were unsure if this would be true for Joyce’s house, but it seemed unlikely.

Low Expectations

Low Expectations

Since Joyce did not seem too keen on selling her home, the sisters had to go and find out for themselves. When the older woman first contacted the real estate agents, Joyce told them something quite surprising that would definitely affect the sale of the property.

A Living Legend

By this time Joyce was already 96 years old, yet she was completely lucid and had good hearing. Carla Spizzirri was impressed by this as she has to raise her voice when she speaks to her grandmother. It was a pleasant surprise to see how Joyce had been taking care of herself over the years, but the actual surprise was awaiting them inside the house. This surprise was far more remarkable.

Seven Decades’ Worth of Memories

A Living Legend

The two real estate agents felt more and more worried as the inspection day got closer. Among other things, the sisters were worried about the time and effort it would take to get the house cleaned if their worst fears got confirmed. Among their worst nightmares was going to a hoarder’s home. Joyce could have filled the house with junk and debris she collected in seven decades.

Their Expectations

From the outside, the house looked like an ordinary house. This is why the sisters were unprepared for the unbelievable waiting for them inside. However, once they entered they finally understood what Joyce was talking about.

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Their Expectations

Joyce had been living in the home for 70 years, none of which she had done anything to the house except the remodeling of the kitchen. After hearing this, the sisters were dreading inspecting the property. They figured that if it was neglected then it was most likely also in bad shape!

Worst-Case Scenario

As Joyce’s hesitant nature continued, the sisters started seriously worrying about the interiors of the home. They have learned the hard way that an indecisive nature and a lack of willingness usually meant the place was in a terrible state. In all likelihood, the seller had a hoarding problem and the property was in awful condition. If this was the case, restoration and overhaul was necessary to make it more appealing to potential buyers. However, they still had not seen the inside of the home at that very moment.

Worst-Case Scenario

Worst-Case Scenario

However, the duo was still not sure because they still hadn’t checked the interiors of the house. They had to consider all factors such as the cost of fixing it up and bringing it to acceptable and modernized conditions for living in. There was also still the issue of Joyce being weary of selling her home.

Making Up Her Mind

Joyce was so hesitant since the first phone call and this respectively worried the girls. However, the older woman said that even though she had been living there for 72 years, she had every intention to sell it. Regardless, it must be extremely difficult to leave a place where you’ve spent your life and created all your memories. It is only normal that she was unsure of her decision, but this wasn’t comforting for Gladys and Carla.

Making Up Her Mind

Making Up Her Mind

Before making a decision the girls needed to actually go to 148 Jane Street first to conduct an inspection. The duo was well aware that the house needed some repairs before they could start offering it to potential buyers.

Complete Surprise

The real estate duo chose a time and day they could go see the house. This would help them to plan what required fixing. They were completely unaware of what was coming. These two were absolutely in shock when they discovered what Joyce had been hiding.

Complete Surprise

Complete Surprise

Luckily for them, the location of the property was better than expected. Located in the Old Mill area of the city, a location that many Torontonians consider to be ideal. The worth of the houses in the area was rising for quite some time and they were sure they could set a good price for the home.

Getting An Estimate

The real estate duo have sold other houses in this neighborhood, where they’ve reached incredible prices. However, they were unaware at the time how much Joyce’s house was actually worth. After crunching numbers the sisters came up with an estimated value of the property –$968,000. This exceeded their expectations and would even bring in a profit for their company.

So Far So Good

So Far So Good

The way Joyce spoke made the duo stop and think. Was it that this woman was devasted over leaving her home in which she spent her life, or was it the realities of her secret? It’s only natural to feel emotions when leaving a home you’re attached to. However, if it was more than this then it would be a lot to take on for these girls.

Seven Decades’ Worth of Memories

Carla and Gladys found out that the home had been untouched for seventy years! After the time they spent in the industry, they knew this likely meant that the house suffers from neglect. Seventy years without proper maintenance and restoration would definitely render a house uninhabitable. At that point, they did not know they were way off the mark. As you can see, they had no clue what was in store for them before they entered the ordinary-looking home.

Seven Decades’ Worth of Memories

Seven Decades’ Worth of Memories

The pair started to get ideas about how the property would look like. The more they thought about it, the more they started to worry. After all, there was no way someone that old would be able to keep the home in great condition for such a long time. Seventy years is no joke and most people have a tendency to hold on to junk. They expected to find a home that required serious remodeling and renovation as well as a lot of effort and money. Things would change the moment they arrived there, however.

A Change in Plans

The sisters had to deal with another setback. It seems like Joyce had a sudden change of heart. She started to struggle with the idea of selling her beloved home. Who could blame her? houses numerous decades’ worth of memories so it must have been hard to come to terms with someone else living in it. In our opinion, this was rather understandable. No one will want to sell the house they have resided in for most of their lives.

A Change in Plans

A Change in Plans

Even though they had all sorts of negative ideas about the property inside their heads, Carla and Gladys were determined to put the house on the market for its ideal location. In their opinion, it should not be hard to find new buyers who were willing to put in some effort to remodel the property after closing the deal. The two siblings were sure that the home was worth it even if it turned out to be a large mess full of memories, trinkets, and junk.

Taking A Peek Inside

The realtor sisters were already having a hard time as it is but they knew it was important to drop by the home and take a look at it before anything else. Although the negotiations were still ongoing, Carla and Gladys needed to take a look inside if they wanted to have any chance to sell the house. They had already located the property since Joyce provided them the address and a photo of the home’s exterior. After some persuasion, the homeowner finally agreed to a visit.

Taking A Peek Inside

Taking A Peek Inside

The property is something of a hidden gem in the Old Mill neighborhood of Toronto. It found its way to the hands of flippers Carla and Gladys Spizziri who are successful at renovating houses so they could be sold for a great price. However, the two still did not know how well the house would do in the market just yet. Nonetheless, the pair did not expect to find a treasure trove of historical artifacts that would sell for a lot more than their expectations let them imagine. As you can imagine, they were shocked to find a beautiful and historic house when they imagined a dilapidated mess of a home.

Preservation of History

Regardless of whose name is on the papers, there is no denying that Joyce’s property is a special place. It was a remarkable piece of architecture that deserves its own spot in history. We bet the new owners were inspired by the way Joyce maintained and preserved the minutiae detail of the home. It was in good hands for a whopping 72 years so we hope the next batch of people who live there can do the same thing. Much to the sisters’ surprise, the house did not need any renovation or remodeling at all since it was in excellent condition.

Preservation of History

Preservation of History

With its meticulous interior design and antique details, it does not take a genius to tell that the place practically belonged to a different era. Gladys Spizziri once joked that the furniture and accents dated back to the days of The Brady Bunch. Although it was an old house, it seems like Joyce took great care to keep it in tiptop condition. We bet her insurance company approves. The place is incredibly gorgeous and it is even more impressive when you learn that only the family deserves credit for the designs. There is no denying that this was a home that has been crafted with both passion and love.

An Outlet For Her Creativity

You need to know that Joyce is a woman with a busy schedule, though she never forgets to make time for her passions. When she is not doing work as a seamstress, she puts in some effort to cultivate her skills as an interior designer. It seems like this is where she pours in her excess creativity and we find her designs to be very impressive. At the time, the family had been suffering from the war economy but this did not stop her from going about the things she enjoys doing.

An Outlet For Her Creativity

An Outlet For Her Creativity

When the sisters arrived at 148 Jane Street, the house looked just like it did in the photo Jane sent them. This means it looked completely normal and standard. It did not look any different from the other houses nearby. However, they were glad to find that it did not look neglected even though it has stood there for more than seven decades. They then went inside and geared themselves for the worst. The moment they approached, however, they uncovered something they did not expect. Although it looked like a regular house, it possessed secrets that completely took them by surprise.

A Secret No More

Like what we said earlier, it is not wise to judge a book by its cover! The sisters sure learned this when they paid a visit to Jane’s house. It was practically a time capsule of a house and Joyce could have earned fame for it. However, it only reached the news when she decided to sell the house and move into a retirement home.

A Secret No More

A Secret No More

Even though she was not an interior designer by profession, it was clear she had the skills to go into the field. We are sure she could have earned big bucks with her impressive talent. Now that the cat is out of the bag, the world finally discovered how amazing of a designer she is.

Success With Negotiations

Before the pair could get things in order, it was important for them to see the place. After a long negotiation period with the elderly woman, they managed to convince her to proceed. When everything was back on track, they arranged a visit so that Gladys and Carla could see it for themselves.

Success With Negotiations

Success With Negotiations

They worried that they were going to be greeted by a dump the moment they arrived. Let us just say that they could not believe what they saw when the time finally came. Definitely not what they expected.

A Brick House

Since then, many interior designs from different parts of the country dropped by to see what Joyce did with her brick house. They were quick to notice that the elderly woman avoided using bright colors and opted for a tone on tone. Apart from this, the house was also full of gold furnish and metallic wallpaper but her love of floral patterns came through as well.

A Brick House

A Brick House

We bet the home looked different when she first started living there as a young woman. She has resided there since she was 24 years old and you would not believe how she was able to transform the property.

A Hidden Gem

Considering how amazing the place was, you probably thought her home would be a tourist destination of some sort. However, the reality is that no one knew what was lying in wait inside the brick house. Joyce is not known as a designer but she could have pursued it if she wanted to.

A Hidden Gem

A Hidden Gem

When she decided to sell her home and move out, it went viral right away! These days, you would not find a single person in the neighborhood who has not heard of this interior perfection.

A Thorough Investigation

It is nice to know that the property was the prime real estate with gorgeous interiors but Gladys and Carla needed to conduct a more thorough investigation of the place. They were glad the house looked perfectly fine when viewed from the outside.

A Thorough Investigation

A Thorough Investigation

The moment the two girls stepped in, however, they were shocked by how beautiful the place was. Despite this, they needed to check for any structural faults and damage since it was still an old house.

Slight Disadvantage

When someone is selling a house, it is usually better if it is fully furnished so that it is ready for occupancy the moment someone buys it. For Joyce, selling the house came with a slight disadvantage for the buyer in this respect.

Slight Disadvantage

Slight Disadvantage

True enough, everyone was astonished since the home boasted of gorgeous and well-preserved interiors with amazing pieces that date all the way back to the ’40s. Sadly, the furniture pieces do not come with the home so the new owner of the 148 Jane Street house will need to bring in replacements.

Things Worth Keeping

We understand why Joyce would feel more comfortable with keeping her furniture. It was a good thing her daughter was there to inherit the beautiful pieces. Joyce probably takes comfort in the fact that her child will take good care of her items! It certainly makes sense that she prefers this arrangement.

Things Worth Keeping

Things Worth Keeping

After all, most of those items are tasteful and well-preserved antiques. All things considered, she probably only wanted to sell the house, not the items inside it. However, we are sure it will not be easy to move out of such a beautiful place and into a retirement home.

Honing Her Talents

Her two-story home would serve as the channel for her creative juices. It was all hers to design to her heart’s content! When she was not busy working in her sewing chair, she would be found decorating the house to her liking. She worked hard to turn the modest abode into something similar to a luxury hotel for a fraction of the cost.

Honing Her Talents

Honing Her Talents

This old woman only used her resourcefulness and creativity to succeed in this endeavor and the house soon became a prized treasure. Her flair for design was all it took to make it look like this!

Throwback To The ’50s

Joyce was certainly lucky that she was able to enlist the help of her whole family. Everyone helped her beautify and transform their abode into what it is now. Nonetheless, Joyce was the creative director of the house and she primarily chose the furniture from the sheets to the curtains.

Throwback To The 50’s

Throwback To The ’50s

Luckily, they had more freedom when the Second World War finally came to an end. The economy improved and it became popular for people to decorate their homes with the styles popular back in the ’50s.

Color Obsession

In those days, everyone was obsessed with using bright colors. A lot of people began decorating their houses using loud tones of red, yellow, and green. Even small houses were usually decorated with bright colors.

Color Obsession

Color Obsession

Something attributed to a brighter future after the end of the war. However, there were some people who went with soft pastel colors instead. Can you imagine just how colorful everything was in those days with all the pastel and vivid colors?


Joyce had plenty of inspiration when she moved to Bloor West Village and transformed the humble house. As a matter of fact, the house now acts as a portal to the ’50s since she kept the same appliances, colors, furniture pieces, and home decors. However, there was another unique thing about seamstress and interior decorator.



She was successful at making it look like her house did not age a single day. This was how everything seemed preserved and brand new even until now. Joyce was extremely particular about the preservation of the place.

Damage Inspection

Although the place is nothing short of impressive, one also has to consider things not visible to the plain eye. When buying a house, do not forget about checking for water leaks, heating repairs, and electrical faults. You can only find out about this after thorough damage inspection.

Damage Inspection

Damage Inspection

There was no way to guarantee that a house this old is completely functional and safe. The realtor sisters were incredibly impressed with what they saw though they knew there was a chance Joyce needed to pay for repairs. They now felt nervous about the structural damage and hoped for the best.

Color Palette

When she was interviewed, Joyce explains that she likes soft colors and enjoyed matching things. Joyce also explained that she prefers tone to tone over bright colors when it came to color schemes and palettes.

Color Palette

Color Palette

You will notice that she used pastel pink, purple, aqua, and sea foam if you take a look at her mattresses, wallpapers, home decorations, furniture pieces, and paints. She prefers colors that are easy on the eyes. Soft colors like these certainly matched with the bright windows and helped give a calming effect to space.


If you did not bother looking inside, you probably would not have thought that it was seventy years old! Joyce was able to preserve the house and keep it in pristine condition down to the smallest detail. It might have been a big investment in those days but her hard work has clearly paid off. Nowadays, everyone has seen the fruit of her labor and we can only hope the new owners would be considerate enough to keep it the same way. According to her daughter, Joyce likes buying pink things and especially enjoys the pink room of the house.



The moment they went stepped inside the house, all their worries and fears dissolved right away. It looked nothing like what they had in mind! First of all, the place was absolutely pristine and everything appeared like they had been transported straight from the ’40s. Carla and Gladys have seen many properties over the course of their careers but they have never seen anything as spectacular as this.

Stunned Into Speechlessness

As Joyce toured them around her home, the sisters fell in love with what they saw. We bet you would feel the same way if you saw the amazing possessions and home décor for yourself. The more the pair saw, however, the more they began to worry about something else. They saw a big problem that might get in the way of selling the house.

Stunned In Speechlessness

Stunned Into Speechlessness

Although Carla and Gladys admired the house and the condition it was in, there was no denying that not everyone would like the place. It was an acquired taste, to say the least. There would be potential buyers who would not share their sentiments about the soft pastels and all the pink in the house. It was rather feminine and that might pose a problem in the market.
