Young Couple Bought An Old Manor By Accident, Decides To Fix It Up On Their Own

Published on 07/29/2019

Bad Shape

Not only that, but it was angled in such a way to hide the “leaning, crumbling front wall”, which indicated there were big structural problems.

Bad Shape

Bad Shape

They later found out the house was actually sinking into the ground.


Optimistic and Determined

Despite all these challenges, Cal and Claire were not about to give up. They have traveled all over England and saw derelict buildings everywhere. They were ready to turn it into a beautiful home.

Optimistic and Determined

Optimistic and Determined

While Jameswood looked like it was going to be harder to flip than they wanted, they did not feel deterred by the challenge. In fact, they felt excited about it! Quite the adventurous couple these two are!