When The Children Invade Your Happy Place
Before he welcomed his bundle of joy into this world, this cat used to find solace by hiding in the sink. This was a quiet and private place where he could be comfortable. Sadly, it all changed when the babies opened their eyes at last. What used to be his peaceful place has now been compromised. Not only that, but it has been converted into some sort of circus. This poor guy will no longer be able to take mid-day naps. We just hope that he can find another spot that the kittens would not be able to find and access.

When The Children Invade Your Happy Place
This Is What Life Is Like Now
Animal and human babies alike will sleep wherever they please even if it is at the detriment of their parents. To make matters worse, the parent always has to walk on eggshells to avoid waking the kids up. If they fail, it means going back to parental duties. The dog looks like he made a mistake by having a pup, but who would not feel that way when their kid opts to sleep on their neck? Well, it does look comfy.

This Is What Life Is Like Now