These Iconic Movie Scenes Have Made People Hit Pause For Decades Now

Published on 06/18/2020

The Dark Knight – The Schmeing Nurse

Considered to be one of Heath Ledger’s best films, The Dark Knight is a superhero movie that was actually based on the DC Comics character- Batman. Many viewers have said that there were many easter eggs that were quite obvious throughout the film. But the one that stood out the most was during the hospital scene when the Joker’s nurse outfit has an incredible hidden message. The name tag reads, “Matilda”. What’s the coincidence? Well, Mathilda is actually the name of his daughter who he pays tribute to in the movie.

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The Dark Knight – The Schmeing Nurse


The Godfather – Oranges Everywhere

One of the oldest and well-known easter eggs in The Godfather is orange. Why you may ask? So oranges actually mean death, most fans know that if a character in any way eats, slices, or handles an orange, death is very near for them. Its a bit more obvious during Part III of the trilogy, which is why the earlier two installments have a lot more paused moments. Perhaps you need to take a closer look and be sure to have a remote nearby. We don’t want to reveal any spoilers so make sure to be focused every time you spot an orange!

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The Godfather – Oranges Everywhere