These Iconic Movie Scenes Have Made People Hit Pause For Decades Now

Published on 10/19/2020

It would seem like filmmakers are fond of playing little games with the people who watch their films. We are not referring to anything malicious. They simply like to drop subtle details that might make the audience wonder, “Was that what I think it was!?” If you are watching in the cinemas, there is no way for you to rewind and check it out again. But with modern technological innovations, you now have the opportunity to rewatch these scenes to confirm it as you watch the movie from the comfort of your home! What scenes have made you pause the movie and check for a small detail that you spotted?

These Iconic Movie Scenes Have Made People Hit Pause For Decades Now

These Iconic Movie Scenes Have Made People Hit Pause For Decades Now

We are sure that there have some scenes that you had to see one more time right away for one reason or another. Maybe it was Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street. It could also be the Wizard of Oz scene when the munchkin allegedly hung himself. Perhaps you had to take a moment when you found the hilarious cameo of Jimmy Buffet in Jurassic Park. At any rate, the following scenes have all made people hit the pause button and watch it all over again.


Boogie Nights – Changing Room Scene

Did you think that a film about a porn character would not get a lot of critical acclaim? Paul Thomas Anderson has managed to prove every single one of us wrong! Boogie Nights, which came out in 1997, followed a porn star called Dirk Diggler. The film teased the viewers about the size of his member, but we did not get to see it until the end of the film. People paused to see it up close, but the truth was that it was actually a prosthetic!

Boogie Nights Changing Room Scene

Boogie Nights – Changing Room Scene