These Iconic Movie Scenes Have Made People Hit Pause For Decades Now

Published on 10/19/2020

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? – Car Crash Scene

When you watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, you should be on the lookout for background gags and Easter gags. Despite everything, the most paused scene involves Jessica Rabbit. When the car crashed into an electric pole, the redhead was seen flying through the air. Her dress went up for a moment, but it was enough to let us know that she went commando. This happened very briefly, but you should be able to see it if you press pause at the right moment. However, her dress has since been altered in later versions to cover her fully. That is where the photo you are looking at came from!

Who Framed Roger Rabbit Car Crash Scene

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? – Car Crash Scene


Fight Club – Tyler Durden Appearances

On that note, we have yet another movie that has Brad Pitt in it. Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably seen Fight Club at least once in your life. Spoiler alert, but we eventually learn that Tyler Durden, played by Brad Pitt, is simply the alter ego of the Narrator, played by Edward Norton. A lot of observant viewers have drawn our attention to the fact that Tyler Durden actually appeared four times before he was officially introduced. It is amazing to hear just how much thought they put into the creation of this movie!

Fight Club Tyler Durdan Appearances

Fight Club – Tyler Durden Appearances