The Sentence
“We have ordered…,” says Grandier in his sentence. After being tried and convicted of the crimes of magic and malefic and causing demonic possession of several Ursuline nuns, Urbain Grandier was sentenced to death. … He is to be transported to the public square… and affixed to a stake on a scaffold… He is then to be burned alive… and his ashes are to be dispersed into the wind.” However, it should be noted that Grandier’s execution had little influence on later allegations of possessions.
An Enigmatical Message
The letter from Sister Maria Crocifissa Della Concezione, on the other hand, was so enigmatic that it could not be deciphered. On the other hand, her fellow nuns took her accusations seriously. They decided to put the object on exhibit in public. Over the years, a large number of codebreakers sought to decipher the allegedly Satanic language. However, it was not until 2017 that significant progress was accomplished.