Bizarre Predictions From “The Simpsons” That Became True Years Later

Published on 03/22/2020

Mayor Leaves Town For A Vacation

The last fascinating part of this Simpsons episode shows Mayor Quimby pretends to be in his office while he is actually vacationing in the Bahamas during the epidemic. He goes on national TV and says, because of the epidemic I canceled my vacation to the Bahamas. I shall not leave the city…” Only to be interrupted by a Bahamense playing the drums. Then in 2020, this actually come true, when Mayor Steve Adler told people to stay home while he was on vacation in Mexico.

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Mayor Leaves Town For A Vacation


The Godfather Part III

In season 12, “Worst Episode Ever” that aired in 2001, Bart and Millhouse sneak into The Android’s Dungeon & Baseball Card Shop just to find the secret stash of VHS tapes. One of them was Godfather III – Good version. And an amazing 19 years later, it came out that Francis Ford Coppola is releasing a new segment of the Godfather part III which he claims justifies the film. Now, this prediction is extremely impressive, don’t you think?

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The Godfather Part III