The Most Intelligent U.S. Presidents: See Who Ranks The Highest

Published on 07/29/2021

Chester Arthur – 152.3

The 21st President of the United States, Chester Arthur, was born in Vermont to an Irish immigrant couple. People always told him he “looked like a president,” but he only played the part when he took over the presidency after the death of President James Garfield in 1881. The vice president-turned-president served from 1881 to 1885 and is best remembered for enacting the Pendleton Act. He ensured that citizens would be appointed to federal government positions based on merit rather than political ties and connections. Exams were also used to screen applicants under the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. During his term, Arthur also legislated the first federal immigration law that aimed to bar “paupers, criminals, and lunatics” from making their way into the country. Chester Arthur had an IQ of 152.3, in case you didn’t know. Even for a president, that’s a lot of money.

Chester Arthur

Chester Arthur


James A. Garfield – 152.3

Did you know that James A. Garfield, the 20th President of the United States, was the first and only sitting member of the House of Representatives to be elected to the White House? Prior to his term, he served as a Union major general in the American Civil War, fighting in battles such as Chickamauga, Middle Creek, and Shiloh. He was able to accomplish admirable things during his term, which lasted from March 4, 1881, to September 19, 1881, including eliminating corruption in the postal service and strengthening the navy. He also fought for civil rights and universal education. His appointment of several African-Americans to government positions, such as Fredrick Douglass, was also notable. In July 1881, he was assassinated, and his term was cut short after he battled multiple infections. With an IQ of 152.3, Garfield was one of the smartest presidents in history.

James A. Garfield

James A. Garfield