James Monroe – 138.6
Did you know that James Monroe served as President from 1817 to 1825? The 5th President of the United States was this founding father. He was once a popular choice for the position, and he easily won the election. His time in office was later dubbed the “Era of Good Feelings.” Monroe fought during the American Revolutionary War, and he became famous for “The Monroe Doctrine,” his foreign policy. Monroe just beat George W. Bush for the third-lowest IQ score, with a score of 138.6. Nonetheless, a score of 138.6 does not indicate that he is a slacker. It’s considered “very superior” intelligence, according to the Wechsler IQ classification.

James Monroe
Andrew Johnson – 138.9
Andrew Johnson became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. He did, however, become the first American president to be impeached. His plans to restore the seceded states to the Union without providing protection to former slaves are the reason for this. The plan was slammed in Congress. To make matters worse, his IQ was only 138.9.

Andrew Johnson