24. The Right Rotation For Your Air Flow
It can help you save on your cooling and heating expenses when you alter your ceiling fan rotation. Your fan should spin clockwise at a really low speed in the winter months, which will actually generate air throughout the room. Whereas your fan should be set to turn counterclockwise in the summer months, as this will push down the warm air. In your specific room, a fan does not alter the air temperature but simply rotates the air.
25. Make Your Windows Winter Proof With Bubble Wrap
This is the best trick if your window just lets all of your desperately needed and desired hot air out. Wet the water window and place the bubble wrap on the top of each piece of glass, keeping the heat in and the cold out. The look of this is not so stylish and should, therefore, probably only be used on windows that are out of the way and not often seen in desperate times or.