21. Ridding Stubborn Dirt From Your Shower Head Using Vinegar
Kalk’s grime, dirt, and build-up build up on your shower head, which can often make it moldy, dirty, and a bacteria breeding ground. By soaking your shower-head in a tub of vinegar overnight, remove all this dirt and grime. The vinegar eliminates all this and kills the germs, and will make your shower head look as good as ever as new and cleaner.

21. Ridding Stubborn Dirt From Your Shower Head Using Vinegar
22. A Pool Noodle Can Be Used As A Buffer Between A Car And A Wall
At some point, banging your door on the side of your garage wall is almost a given, which is really easy to avoid. Cut a pool noodle to your desired length and place it on your garage walls where the door would usually meet the wall. This will stop any scratching or denting from happening as your door will simply bang the sponge noodle the next time. This, let’s not forget, also protects the wall.

22. A Pool Noodle Can Be Used As A Buffer Between A Car And A Wall