33. Use Magents To Find Nail Holes
You’ll want to apply a new coat of paint over time or change the wallpaper in a room at home. When this happens, naturally, you’ll have to take down anything on the walls. But what do you do if you want to put all your backups on it? New holes can be made, but that’s not the ideal solution. Or, into existing holes, you can put tiny little nails. Swipe a magnet over the walls when you’re done painting to find the same ones and reuse them!

33. Use Magents To Find Nail Holes
34. Drill Into Tiles Easily
Drilling is always a risky thing to do, especially when it’s done in bathrooms on slippery tiles that are usually found. If you lose grip for a second, you’ll have a whole new home project on your hands to take care of. Thankfully, there is a simple solution to this issue. Grab some masking tape and cover up the tile into which you plan to drill. Watch as next time around, your drill magically has a better grip!

34. Drill Into Tiles Easily