7. White Soap Can Fill Up And Patch Nail Holes
One of the best tricks in the book. When you do not have the time or patience to use poly filler to close up those unwanted holes in the wall. You can cut and sculpt pieces of soap into the wall if this doesn’t work-go over it later with a card to create a smooth texture; this will blend it and make it look like nothing’s ever happened. Soap will do the trick, just take a soap bar and scrape it across the wall. You can wipe it away with a warm cloth if any residue is left behind.

7. White Soap Can Fill Up And Patch Nail Holes
8. Using A Cabinet Door Bumper To Prevent Any Irritating Rattling Or Banging
If you ask us, such small little gadgets can have immense results and impacts, rather incredible. A cheap cabinet door bumper is all you need, just place it on the doorjamb and avoid any slamming and or rattling noise. It can be used for annoying drawers around the house as well. These tiny bumpers are a lifesaver and will curb those annoying little sounds as well as terrifying slams.

8. Using A Cabinet Door Bumper To Prevent Any Irritating Rattling Or Banging