15. Locate A Toilet Leak Using Kool-Aid
Just 20 cents will cost you this trick. On top of your toilet tank, remove the lid and pour in your Kool-Aid powder directly from the packet. This is supposed to be a dark-colored Kool-Aid. For 30 minutes, leave the solution. If you see the inside of your toilet bowl is the same color as the Kool-Aid upon returning to your toilet, then this means you actually leak. During this little experiment, be sure not to flush.

15. Locate A Toilet Leak Using Kool-Aid
16. Wearing Foil On Your Fingers Will Help You Use Your Phone With Gloves
It’s extremely challenging to live in a cold environment, but this is easily solved and can further warm you up. Wearing gloves and using your phone is a challenge on its own. Well, instead of using touchscreen-friendly gloves, you can also wrap some foil around each of your fingertips, and this will let you use your phone just as normal. Do not overdo the foil. A little goes a long way.

16. Wearing Foil On Your Fingers Will Help You Use Your Phone With Gloves