A Clothing Peg Can Help Keep Your Fingers Safe
When you hammer nails on your walls, you should be mindful not to hit your fingers by accident. It is possible to avoid this possibility at all with this hack. We think that every DIY enthusiast and homeowner should know this. Clothing pegs, fine-tooth combs, and bobby pins will serve as your guide of sorts. The said tools are going to help you keep the nails locked in place as you hammer them. You do not need to put your hands in danger any longer! We are sure that your fingers will appreciate this hack.

A Clothing Peg Can Help Keep Your Fingers Safe
Get Rid Of Stickers Using A Blow Dryer
Let us face it. Retail therapy actually works. It is always fun to get anything new even though your wallet might not agree with you. There is a little pet peeve that comes with this coping mechanism, however. We hate it when we have to take off the packing stickers! It is not always easy to peel them off in one go. Most of the time, they also leave behind a sticky residue that makes the product so annoying to use. You can solve this issue with a hairdryer. The heat will loosen the glue so that you can easily peel the stickers off.

Get Rid Of Stickers Using A Blow Dryer