Clear Nail Polish Will Keep Loose Screws In Place
Did you know that nail polish comes in handy in the house? It is not just something you can use to make your nails look nice and pretty, you know. You are going to be amazed once you hear how a coat of it will keep screws secured and tight. In a way, it is a lot like glue. No one likes loose screws, after all. This is a great hack because you probably have a bottle of clear nail polish around the house. The best part is that this can save you a trip to the store.

Clear Nail Polish Will Keep Loose Screws In Place
Crayons Will Cover Any Nail Hole You Need To Hide
The first thing you have to do is pick a color that matches the hole in your wall. Once you have found it, you only need to apply the crayon on the holes left by nails. This might not make sense in the beginning, but your patience is going to pay off in the end. After a while, no one will even see the hole anymore! You might even find yourself wondering why you did not think of this earlier. How handy is this trick?

Crayons Will Cover Any Nail Hole You Need To Hide